Daily Archives: December 6, 2007

Wounded Vets Still Facing Insufficient Care

It’s not enough that our military men and women are in the middle of two wars, one intentionally started under false pretenses and riddled with corruption, waged by the most corrupt, incompetent, never elected presidential administration this country has ever seen — some returning wounded veterans face another battle when returning home. In some cases, such as the one below, the military tries to force them out of the service and doesn’t get them the care and treatment they need. Nothing like being appreciated for a job well done.

An article from The Colorado Confidential reports the treatment of Sgt. Darren Mischke for example: a wounded warrior who served two tours in Iraq who, at the age of 27, suffers from nosebleeds, memory loss, mood swings, dizziness, blurred vision and severe headaches — all symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI).

On his first tour of Iraq, Mischke was knocked out in a wreck. On his second tour, he was riding on the turret of a military vehicle that got hit by a mortar.

The trauma from both tours experienced by Mischke was, according to his family, enough to turn him into a pain-riddled head case. An estimated 20 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans return from the war with TBI. A recent report by USA Today estimates that 20,000 returning vets not classified as wounded actually suffer from undiagnosed TBI.

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