Misadventures of a minority-elect President 79

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Host of White House Correspondents dinner lambasts Trump – who had to re-energize himself with a campaign rally in PA – despite being asked not to, our wannabe dictator bemoans the U.S. Constitution as ‘archaic’ and ‘really bad’ for the country, the truth keeps blowing the lid off Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale, more on Ivanka’s miscreantics as special adviser to her minority-elect father, corporate rights trump human rights in our wannabe dictator’s land of delusion, Trump’s first 100 days make history – for having the lowest approval ever, Trump cancels interview when pressed on his fraudulent Obama wiretapping claims, Trump’s trade tirades frustrating GOP, tripping over Trumpcare due to his own ignorance, Trump’s first 100 days sucked so bad he had to put out his own Fake News ad to make himself look good, the U.S. Constitution could provide a couple of ways to remove our fraudulent Liar-in-Chief, the growing number of protests and protesters, our authoritarian President’s reign of idiots, be on the lookout for another false flag – worse than Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale false flag – as Trump flails to save his presidency and much more.

White House correspondents Dinner host blasts Trump, despite being asked not to article from Yahoo! News. –

Trump bashed White House Correspondents and media… it works both ways.

Trump happy to be with ‘much better people’ than Washington press corps article from CBS News. –

Beyond 100 days, Trump faces more legislative challenges article from Yahoo! News. –

Lavrov Dismantles UK-Led Sarin ‘Investigation’ in 30 Seconds article from Russia Insider. –

The truth keeps blowing the lid off Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale:

“Lavrov blows the whistle on the OPCW and its ‘investigations’ in Syria

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has a simple message for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons: Stop with the bullshit.

Speaking with journalists in Moscow on Monday, Lavrov pointed out that the OPCW has taken more than four months to ‘analyze’ chemical samples from Aleppo, which would likely implicate Syrian ‘opposition’ forces in war crimes. And surprise, surprise — the OPCW needs even more time before it can release a report.

Meanwhile, it took this prestigious organization only four days to declare that Sarin was used in the April 4 attack in Khan Sheikhun…”

Our Political Reality Is the Stuff of Nightmares article from AlterNet. –

Part of the problem lies with those that voted for Trump actually believing he cares for them…

Donald Trump slams ‘archaic’ US constitution that is ‘really bad’ for the country article from The Independent on Yahoo! News. –

Having checks and balances in place to prevent Presidents from becoming Dictators is ‘really bad’ for our ‘archaic’ minority-elect President.

Brand Ivanka: inside the tangles empire of the president’s closest ally article from The Guardian. –

More on Ivanka’s miscreantics as a special adviser to her father.

Trump Is Taking Corporate Power to Historic Extremes article from AlterNet. –

“Trump’s first one hundred days: corporate rights trump human rights.

After 100 days in office, the Trump Administration continues to wear its abject disdain for human rights on its sleeve. It has threatened to leave the United Nations Human Rights Council and has signalled Trump’s enthusiasm for the most extreme forms of torture. A number of his executive orders have directly contravened the principles of human rights, including his racist attack on particular categories of immigrants and his restrictions on a woman’s right to choose.

Wednesday’s decision to slash corporation tax demonstrates clearly that there is one category of ‘persons’ to which Trump’s disdain for human rights does not apparently extend. His ‘corporate cabinet’ is packed with individuals who have made their name proclaiming the rights of corporations. Top of the list is the Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, who in a number of key cases has ruled against the claims of workers, to uphold the rights of their corporate employers.

The administration’s determination to uphold the rights of big business over the rights of the people has attracted condemnation from Human Rights Watch. The organisation has described the administration’s choice of Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency as alarming – with good reason. One of Pruitt’s earliest decisions was to allow continued use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos, despite conclusions from US government scientists that it can cause learning deficits, impacts on brain development, reproductive health problems, and increased rates of cancer, particularly in children…”

Trump has lowest approval rating in history after 100 days in office article from AOL News. –

Once again making history for all the wrong reasons.

Trump starts dismantling his shadow Cabinet article from Politico. –

Trump abruptly ends interview after CBS anchor grills him on Obama wiretapping claims article from Business Insider on Yahoo! News. –

Being unable to verify your fraudulent Obama wiretapping claims isn’t working out well for our Liar-in-Chief.

GOP growing frustrated with Trump’s trade threats article from The Hill. –

“Republican lawmakers are urging President Trump to proceed cautiously on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) after he shocked leaders in Canada and Mexico by threatening to pull out of the 23-year-old accord.

They immediately registered their alarm with the administration after word leaked last week that Trump was considering an executive order to pull out of the trade pact.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who has jurisdiction over trade and customs, said he was troubled by news of the order and “raised some concerns, too,” with the administration.

Trump quickly dropped the threat, giving Republicans a sense of whiplash…”

Asked about health care, Trump trips over his own ignorance from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Trump campaign releases ‘First 100 Days’ ad article from CNN. –

Trump’s first 100 days sucked so bad he had to put out his own Fake News ad to make himself look good.

HOW TRUMP COULD GET FIRED article from The New Yorker. –

Why did Trump invite a murderous autocrat to the White House? Follow the money article from Think Progress. –

“A towering conflict of interest.

Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte has launched a brutal war on his own people that has left around 7,000 people dead.

Purportedly a “war on drugs,” an Amnesty International investigation revealed “the police have systematically targeted mostly poor and defenseless people across the country while planting ‘evidence,’ recruiting paid killers, stealing from the people they kill and fabricating official incident reports.”

“This is not a war on drugs, but a war on the poor. Often on the flimsiest of evidence, people accused of using or selling drugs are being killed for cash in an economy of murder,” Amnesty International’s Crisis Response Director Tirana Hassan said.

Trump responded to this vicious campaign by praising Duterte’s efforts and inviting him to the White House. The invitation was extended during a phone call on Saturday, which the White House described as “very friendly.”…”

US Workers Unite Against Trump as Global May Day Actions Flourish article from Common Dreams. –

As Trump dissembles on Russia scandal, Republicans back his play article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Donald Trump gives a baffling, extremely incorrect history lesson on Andrew Jackson article from Think Progress. –

As I’ve mentioned previously, facts play absolutely no role in Trump’s land of delusion.

Spicer Confirms White House Actively Planning Attack on Press Freedoms article from Common Dream.s –

“Effort to rewrite libel laws, says press secretary, ‘is being looked into substantively and logistically’

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Monday that the Trump administration is actively—and in his words “substantively”—reviewing the nation’s libel laws as it explores ways it could more easily sidestep First Amendment protections and target press coverage or news stories it deems objectionable.

On Sunday morning, White House chief of staff Reince Priebus told ABC’s “This Week” that reworking libel law legislation is “something that we’ve looked at, and how that gets executed or whether that goes anywhere is a different story.”

As a way to get official clarification of those remarks, New York Times correspondent Glenn Thrush asked Spicer during Monday’s press briefing if it was a “project that is currently being working on by the [White House Counsel’s Office]” and what the general status of the effort might be…”

Leading Historian Believes ‘It’s Pretty Much Inevitable’ Trump Will Try to Stage a Coup and Overthrow Democracy article from AlterNet. –

Reign of Idiots article from Truthdig. –

The Authoritarian President article from Robert Reich. –

Trump’s Degradation of the Language article from The New York Times. –

Yale historian warns it’s ‘inevitable’ that Trump will stage his own ‘Reichstag fire’ to save his presidency article from The Raw Story. –

Be aware of another false flag – worse than his Syrian gas attack fairy tale false flag – as our Liar-in-Chief’s presidency flails:

“Yale University Professor Timothy Snyder‘s recent book focusing “On Tyranny” not only puts President Donald Trump in context with other 1930s fascists but it walks readers through steps for the resistance to maintain freedom.

In a recent interview for Chauncey DeVega’s podcast, Snyder explained that Americans assumed nothing bad would ever happen once the Cold War ended. Trump managed to tap into the idea that the U.S. isn’t a democracy anymore so people should simply let him be their very own oligarch. But because Americans tend to throw around terms like “fascist,” “dictator” and “Hitler,” the idea loses its meaning. Add to that, Americans tend to believe in our own exceptionalism.

“As I see it, there are certainly elements of his approach which are fascistic,” Snyder explained. “The straight-on confrontation with the truth is at the center of the fascist worldview. The attempt to undo the Enlightenment as a way to undo institutions, that is fascism.”

Fascists during the 20th century were quick to urge putting aside the facts. They also tend to use language similar to Trump’s during his rallies. They name enemies, remove opponents and use blunt slogans and soundbites over and over again…”

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