Daily Archives: August 7, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 157

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s minority-elect misadventures begin today with waiting to see if he will try and destroy Obamacare since many of his own supporters would be hurt the most if he does, our lame duck Loser-in-Chief’s weeks are about to get worse as his Russia scandal investigation unearths other potential financial crimes unrelated to the 2016 election, the majority of people see the incompetence and corruption of our reality TV president, resistance to Trump is growing – and working, Trump plans 17-day golf vacation after whining about his predecessor’s 10-day golf vacation, Trump is bragging about the stock market now but won’t be soon, the White House is quickly becoming a crime scene as Trump proves costly to the GOP, support for our moronic Liar-in-Chief is dwindling despite his lies about it being stronger than ever and much more.

If Trump knifes Obamacare, he’ll hurt his own supporters the most article from Yahoo! News. –

Many of Trump’s supporters hate Obamacare – despite being covered by it – because of ignorantly not knowing they’ll suffer the most if anything happens to it…

Mueller Plunges Across Trump’s Red Line article from The Atlantic. –

Our lame duck Loser-in-Chief’s weeks are about to get a lot worse as the investigation into his Russia collusion is leading to financial crimes unrelated to the 2016 election,

Officials start to ignore the Incredible Shrinking President article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

As a sitting mentally unbalanced lame duck president, our national embarrassment is losing friends in high places.

Did Trump Really End the CIA’s Secret War in Syria? article from CounterPunch. –

No. Trump’s Syrian War Crimes are still continuing despite the lie that he ordered them to stop funding and training terrorists:

“Trump Ends Covert Aid to Syrian Rebels Trying to Topple Assad,” read a July 19 New York Times headline. Citing The Washington Post as its source, the article noted that the official termination of the “secret” U.S. program “was never publicly announced, just as the beginnings of the program four years ago were officially a secret, authorized by President Barack Obama through a ‘finding’ that permitted the C.I.A. to conduct a deniable program.”

“Mr. Trump’s decisions,” said The Times, “amounted to an acknowledgment that no escalation of the program, which began in 2013 in concert with the C.I.A.’s counterparts in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan, was likely to yield a different result.”

The CIA and its “counterparts” were intervening in Syria even before 2013, if not congruent with the brief Arab Spring mobilizations of 2011, when poor peasants, democratically minded youth, and others protested against the Bashar Assad government’s neo-liberal and repressive policies. The New York Times revealed on June 21, 2012, that the CIA had been ferrying arms, recruiting, and training anti-Assad groups based in Turkey.

The U.S. was simultaneously the major power behind the Syrian National Council (SNC), which it established to be the new Syrian “government in waiting.” The SNC consisted of an exile-based 270-member leadership core that was overseen by the U.S. State Department and funded by most of the Gulf State monarchies. Within a year the SNC exploded as it became clear that it was dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, whose on-the-ground forces in Syria regularly collaborated with the al-Qaeda offshoot, the Nusra Front, and related jihadist groups…”

Three Trump Speeches and the Death of a Nation article from Common Dreams. –

Turning the presidency into a reality TV show while your actions and words are destroying the country that ‘elected’ you isn’t working out well for Trump.

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