Misadventures of a minority-elect President 160

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with a look (which has since been deleted) at the financial flim-flammery of his finances – an investigation into his financial dealings would lead to more charges than his Russia scandal, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator won’t condemn white supremacy because it plays such a large role in his support base, the growing White Supremacy pandemic in the Trump Era, Trump, whose popularity just hit another new low, is a moral failure who will never be presidential and much more.

‘Extraordinary flim-flammery’: Rachel Maddow connects the dots on ‘ugly audit’ of Trump finances article from The Raw Story. –

Investigating our Loser-in-Chief’s business dealings and the money he’s making off the presidency would lead to more charges than his Russia scandal.

The Bubble President article from Slate. –

Trump’s lives in a fantasy of triumph in his land of delusion but will never do or say anything to win the majority of voters.

Documents showing huge profits for Trump’s Washington hotel deleted article from Yahoo! News. –

Trying to cover up your crimes by deleting evidence of them isn’t going to work for America’a worst-ever president.

The Real Meaning of ‘On Many Sides’ article from Slate. –

Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator won’t condemn White Supremacists because they play a large role in his support base:

“On Saturday afternoon, neo-Nazis; white nationalists; and open-carrying, camo-wearing militia members combined forces at a Charlottesville, Virginia, rally to “Unite the Right.” This congregation of white people who love the president of the United States and hate racial, ethnic, and religious minorities chanted “blood and soil” and extended their arms in stiff salutes. The rally culminated in the death of at least one person when the driver of a gray Dodge Challenger plowed through a crowd of counter-protesters, seemingly with the intent to maim and injure.

On Nov. 19, 1863, as the Union and Confederate armies waged a war to determine whether black people were property, President Abraham Lincoln stood up at the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and articulated his vision of what the United States should be. He called for a promise that “these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.”

On Aug. 12, 2017, Donald Trump stood up at his private golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, and All Lives Matter’d a Nazi rally. “We’re closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia,” Trump said. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. On many sides.”

He then said those three words again—“On many sides”—as if to emphasize that this throwaway phrase was in fact the only bit of his short speech that he truly believed in. He did not talk about white supremacy, and he did not note the prevalence of racist chants. The troubles in Charlottesville, the president said, were everyone’s fault. Or, to put it another way, nobody in particular was more responsible than anyone else for what happened in Virginia this weekend. Not the president. Not the party that enabled him. Not even those who idolize Adolf Hitler…”

When winning isn’t possible article from The Week. –

Our national embarrassment is quite the sore loser…

Trump financial records could come back to haunt him in probe video from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Again, a close look at his financial chicanery scares the shit out of Trump for good reason.

The Clintons, Trump and White Backlash article from CounterPunch. –

Neocons being charge of this country has been disastrous for the majority.

White Supremacy in the Age of Trump article from AlterNet. –

Racism has played a big role in America and now it’s growing exponentially in the Trump era:

“Since before the election, poor white voters largely have been blamed for the rise of Donald Trump. Although their complicity in his election is clear and well established, they’re continually targeted as if their actions are the primary reason Trump won. But in fact, higher-earning, college-educated whites supported him at even greater rates.

It’s quite easy to brand the working class as the most rabidly xenophobic and racist group of whites. Whether they’re brandishing Confederate flags or vociferously vowing to “Make America Great Again,” their beliefs about white supremacy are completely exposed for the world to witness. It’s much harder to see how those atop the economic pyramid not only greatly benefit from white supremacy but actually use racism to their advantage — generally from behind the scenes.

In short, when we hold the working class responsible for white supremacy, other whites are absolved of racial wrongdoing. By allowing the spread of civic ignorance, by propagating historical lies and political untruths, and by engendering an insidious form of racism, upper class whites are undoubtedly just as culpable — if not more so — than working class whites in the quest to maintain white supremacy.

Certainly, there is no apology for the racism of working-class whites, nor any excuse; but we should seek to understand the ways in which white supremacy and power are completely intertwined. Throughout American history, the economic elite have used vile forms of racism to perpetuate the current hierarchy — politically, socially and economically. White supremacy is most commonly conceptualized as a way for lower-class whites to feel socially superior to people from other ethnic backgrounds. More important, though, white supremacy is a tried-and-tested means for upper class whites to grow their wealth and power…”

Trump quietly putting his stamp on the courts article from The Hill. –

The damage being done by America’s most corrupt president to the U.S. Court system is going to cost Americans dearly.

To Combat Trump’s Attacks on Democracy, We Must Understand Precedents Set by Obama article from Truthout. –

In Trump’s delusional world, making American great again means reviving White Supremacy, discrimination and ignorance…

A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 28th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from AlterNet. –

Week 28 of the gift that keeps on giving courtesy of our demented delinquent in the White House…

Coward-in-Chief: Trump Wilts in the Face of Fascist Terrorism article from Truthout. –

Trump won’t condemn White Supremacy and the violence it brings because he condones it:

“Here is the car, stopped along Monticello Avenue in Charlottesville, Virginia. It has clearly been involved in a high-speed incident. Video shows this same car — allegedly driven by one James Alex Fields Jr. of Ohio — plowing into a crowd of peaceful anti-fascist protesters at high speed. When it reversed to escape, the damaged fender swung wide, and a shoe clearly bounced out of the grille. The roar of the engine fades, leaving in its wake screams and curses.

According to everything we have heard from the federal government about vehicles being used as weapons worldwide, everything we have heard from the White House and Homeland Security on the issue, everything we have heard in the news media after London and Paris, this was an ISIS-style terrorist attack deliberately perpetrated against a crowd of innocent people to lethal effect.

This was terrorism. By the book. Someone should probably tell the president. He doesn’t seem to get it.

The short version: A well-organized pack of white supremacists, Nazis, Klan members and generalized fascists tried to hold a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, ostensibly to protest the removal of a monument to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. Large numbers showed up, greeted not only by law enforcement and angry locals, but by a sizeable contingent of anti-fascist activists who came prepared to shout them down…”

He’s One of Them article from Talking Points Memo. –

Trump has called for violence at many of his rallies and he called out those protesting the White Supremacists because he’s one of them.

There Is Only One Side to the Story of Charlottesville article from Slate. –

Americans are beginning to feel the effects of ‘electing’ a waste of human flesh like the one we have in the White House.

Trouble in Trumpland: The president’s core supporters being to worry article from USA Today. –

The miscreants that support our demented delusionist are looking for more function from his ignorant ass, not distractions…

Trump Tweets About Everything Except Denouncing Neo-Nazis article from The Huffington Post. –

Our Twitter tyrant loves tweeting about his enemies and some of his other delusions, but remains silent on twitter about his hardcore fan base:

“President Donald Trump had a lot to say on Twitter Monday morning ? but none of his posts addressed the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, where a car rammed into a group of pedestrians protesting a white supremacist rally, killing one woman.

Over the weekend, Trump condemned the “violence” and “hate” in general terms but stopped short of explicitly naming any of the white supremacist groups responsible for the event. He also blamed “many sides” for the unrest, which took place in a protest over the planned removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

In his tweets Monday, the president called out “obstructionist Democrats” as well as Ken Frazier, the CEO of pharmaceutical company Merck, who resigned from Trump’s manufacturing council over the president’s tepid response to the terror attack…”

Political violence ‘didn’t come out of nowhere’ article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

More on how Trump is responsible for the growing White Supremacist movement…

Has Trump reached the bottom, or can he fall further? article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

On Trump’s tough talk and how he loves threatening military interventions.

Trump’s approval rating just hit a new low – again article from The Week. –

Trump’s approval rating can’t go much lower without it becoming totally obvious that he truly is Ameria’s worst-ever president…

Donald Trump can’t stop failing tests of moral leadership article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

There is a major difference between being a reality TV president and a real president who lost the popular vote by almost 11 million and Trump never had any morals to begin with:

“The American presidency, Franklin Roosevelt once said, is “preeminently a place of moral leadership.” It helps explain why Donald Trump is failing so spectacularly: the current occupant of the Oval Office has no real interest in providing moral leadership, or even learning how.

The president was already scheduled to speak on Saturday afternoon – his remarks were supposed to focus on veterans’ issues – and interest in his remarks grew in the wake of the deadly violence that erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia. This was a unique opportunity for Trump to speak out clearly and forcefully against a societal scourge.

But instead of being the president America needed, Donald Trump was Donald Trump

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence – on many sides, on many sides.”…”

TRUMP’S BUSINESS OF CORRUPTION article from The New Yorker. –

The information that pops up when America’s most corrupt president’s foreign deals are investigated will be the beginning of Trump’s downfall.

America Has Entered an Age of Sadness and Despair – and Our President Personally Made This Possible article from AlterNet. –

Campaigning on and enabling fascist violence is all on Trump and now it’s time to hold him accountable.

Mounting evidence of White House collusion with neo-Nazis article from The World Socialist Web Site. –

Our lame duck president’s White House knew about the growing threat of violence by white supremacist groups more than 3 months ago.

Trump Condemned Racis As ‘Evil.’ Here Are 16 Times He Embraced It. article from The Huffington Post. –

Trump has built his fraudulent empire and his presidency on racism:

“It took more than 48 hours, but President Donald Trump finally denounced the white supremacist groups whose rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, this past weekend sparked deadly violence.

But his Monday proclamation that “racism is evil” means little coming from a man who largely has not backed away from the racism upon which he built both his campaign and his real estate business.

Not only did Trump’s condemnation pale in comparison to those from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, celebrities and even the maker of the tiki torches used at the rally, but it also came after he blamed “many sides” for the violent protest.

Throughout his campaign and after his election, HuffPost kept running lists of examples of Trump’s racism dating as far back as the 1970s. We’ll continue to document those incidents here as they happen…”

A Day Late and a Dollar Short: The Trump Presidency* article from Esquire. –

More on the our fake president’s affection for white supremacy and ignorance…

If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.

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