Daily Archives: May 20, 2018

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 228

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Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The endless probes into Trump’s growing cesspool of corruption begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president*, digging in to face the growing list of criminal charges from his lackluster lame duck presidency, the many ways our Liar in Thief is purposely trying to destroy the Federal government, why Trump has the leakiest White House ever, our demented delusionist actually believes he’ll be able to put an end to the Mueller investigations, Trump’s felonious rap sheet continues growing exponentially, the new adventures of dumb and dumber are proving quite entertaining, the mystery of the missing millions in donations to Trump’s inauguration campaign that just disappeared plus a lot more.

The Trump labyrinth article from The Week. –

On the growing probes into America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* endless cesspool of criminal activities that keep spurring more investigations into his profoundly corrupt, failed presidency.

Team Trump Plans to Go on ‘War Footing’ to Fend Off Impeachment: It Could Backfire Big Time article from Truthout. –

If Trump’s past legal defense is any indication, his ignorance will end up backfiring big time.

Trump Is Destroying Himself By Demanding That The White House Never Apologize article from PoliticusUSA. –

Actually our dimwitted dip shit’s actions – compounded by profound stupidity – have been destroying him for decades, now it’s just catching up to him.

UNPRESIDENTED – A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 68th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

A look at the latest week of our nefarious narcissist’s incompetent corruption filled week in office:

“Willing to turn on its allies at a moment’s notice.

Making consequential foreign policy decisions based on a foundation of lies.

Eager to decimate a decade’s worth of diplomacy to fulfill a campaign promise.

Its leader consumed in counterintelligence, corruption, and ethics investigations and is hell-bent on obstructing those investigations…”

Conservative Columnist Truth Bombs Trump, ‘Soulless People Working for Soulless President’ article from PoliticusUSA. –

Why our Lord of the Lies is more upset about the truth of his aide insulting John McCain being leaked rather than what was said:

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