Tag Archives: Alternative Facts

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 88

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey – who reportedly sought more funds for Russia probe before Trump fired him – could cause serious blow back, our illegitimate President’s latest attempts of overturning his Muslim Ban fails miserably – for obvious reasons – and tarnishes the lawyers that foolishly try to defend it, echoing Nixon during Watergate could fuel deeper probes into his Russia scandal, Trump lets anger over his Russia scandal get the best of him as his problems multiply, innocent people don’t normally act the way Trump is acting, Flynn subpoenaed by Senate Intel Committee, the bull shit spewed by our inept leader and his miscreantic administration is starting to be noticed for what it is – which a recent poll shows is turning into bad news for him, Reporter arrested for asking a corrupt Trump-appointee a question, a look back at 1967 offers insight into fighting back against Trump, some try – and will fail – to stop protests when they become so powerful and a lot more.

The Memo: Trump ignites firestorm article from The Hill. –

Trump appears to be echoing Nixon during Watergate again with his poorly-timed dismissal of his FBI Director, allegedly over Clinton’s emails, that could haunt him badly in his short-lived illegitimate Presidency.

Trump sent 4 tweets on the Sally Yates hearing. Not one of them was entirely accurate. article from CNN. –

Our twittering wannabe tyrant wonders why the majority that didn’t vote for him fondly refer to him as our lackluster Liar-in-Chief…

Trump Poisons His Own Laws article from Slate. –

All is not well in Trump’s land of delusion as his latest attempt of overturning his Muslim Ban fails miserably and taints those who foolishly try to defend it.

Trump’s firing of Comey seems ‘suicidal’ – but it could ‘energize’ the Russia probe article from Business Insider. –

Shades of Nixon redux:

“President Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey, who was leading an investigation into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election, would be viewed as “suicidal” in any other administration.

“In any normal administration, firing the director of the FBI during an investigation of the administration would be viewed as suicidal,” said Robert Deitz, a former top lawyer for the CIA and the National Security Agency who served under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

“This of course is not a normal administration,” he added. “But no matter what, this will create a firestorm that will disturb even Trump loyalists on the Hill.”

Most Democrats and a handful of Republicans were quick to condemn Trump’s decision to fire Comey, who was in the middle of investigating the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia when he was unexpectedly fired on Tuesday evening…”

Trump takes shot at Democrats, says they ‘play so sad!’ on Comey’s firing article from AOL News. –

What’s sad is that our Ignoramus-in-Chief actually believes he’s fooling anyone.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 87

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The Sally Yates hearing was not good news for our illegitimate minority-elect President, implausible deniability garners 5 Pinocchio’s for Trump’s Russian Scandal denial, more on the growing delusions and ignorance of Trump supporters, GOP deleting their health care promises, more fall out from Trump’s Russia scandal hearing coming, Trump’s breathtaking ignorance becoming more evident with each passing day, a new Nixonian plot twist in Trump’s Russia scandal as Trump fires Comey – at his illegitimate AG’s recommendation – which appears to have been in the works for a while, wondering what Trump is hiding by firing Comey, the one actual Nazi in Trump’s White House lies to a conference of the Jerusalem Post about being under attack because he’s Pro-Israel, new study clarifies how GOP voter suppression gave the state of Wisconsin to Trump and lots more.

Why the Sally Yates Hearing Was Very Bad News for the Trump White House article from Mother Jones. –

Trump’s Russia Scandal is about to bite him in the ass.

Trump: Russia collusion story ‘a total hoax’ article from The Hill. –

Trump Derangement Syndrome: Rated 5 Pinocchio’s for his latest fairy tale from the land of delusion.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse: Something is preventing Trump from reaching ‘obvious conclusions’ article from AOL News. –

Perhaps it’s his profound ignorance and corruption?

Trump Voters Are Willing to Be Conned as Long as He Deports Immigrants and Bombs the World article from AlterNet. –

More on the growing delusions and ignorance of Trump supporters:

“They’re able to overlook an astonishing amount of corruption.

If you were paying attention to what we learned about Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, then you know that the president of the United States was once the impresario of a student-swindling Trump University, the founder of a Trump Foundation designed for tax evasion and illegal self-dealing, and the chief executive of a Trump Organization that has long relied on various techniques of grifting, from rip-offs of workers and contractors to serial bankruptcies.

And if you know all that, then you cannot be surprised by the way that he and his family have conducted themselves during the first 100 days of his presidency, which is also the way they will behave until they leave or are removed from the White House. They have misused the office of the president to enrich themselves in ways that none of Trump’s predecessors, not even the most venal, could have imagined doing.

Nor can you be surprised that this grasping figure and his appointed cronies, notably Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, have floated a tax “reform” that will enrich the very wealthiest Americans by trillions of dollars, while decimating necessary government functions and depriving millions of working-class and low-income families of health care…”

The many paths from Trump to Russia article from CNN. –

That’s quite a trail of breadcrumbs Trump and his miscreants have to Russia.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 86

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Ousted Obama official to speak on Trump’s Russia scandal, a new stage in the U.S. health care shenanigans, trying to put a lid on those speaking out against our illegitimate minority-elect President, Trump lied about his tax cut paying for itself, Trump’s egregious agenda could take a while to implement, our presidential twit takes to twitter – again – to deflect attention from his malfeasance, Trump’s delusional base holding firm but support from everyone else dropping based on most recent poll, Trumpcare advocates spend Sunday lying their way through political shows, Trump’s growing conflicts of interest – this time courtesy of his son-in-law, reports of Trump clashing with his National Security Adviser, Muslim ban language deleted from White House website after question from reporter, obsessing about the illegitimate dipshit in the White House distracts us from other serious issues Washington and the media don’t care for you to know about, the moral travesty of Trumpcare, Sean Spicer still lying his ignorant ass off, our Hustler-in-Chief is at it again and more.

Ousted Obama official to speak on Trump aide’s Russia talks article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

Bannon is pulling one over on Trump. There is zero reason to exit the Paris climate accord. article from VOX. –

We’ll see how much influence President Bannon has over our illegitimate minority-elect President.

Anti-protest bills would ‘attack right to speak out’ under Donald Trump article from The Guardian. –

When you can’t fool them with your constant lies and unethical actions, try to criminalize dissent instead.

A new stage in the US health care counterrevolution article from The World Socialist Web Site. –

“The passage by the US House of Representatives of the American Health Care Act is a political milestone. Never before has the US ruling elite revealed so nakedly the goal of its health care “reform” efforts of the past quarter-century. Millions of working people are to be deprived of health insurance and access to health care in order to finance a trillion-dollar payoff to the financial aristocracy.

The centerpiece of the legislation is the gutting of Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor, and its effective termination as an entitlement program. This will be the prelude to the destruction of Medicare and Social Security.

The massive cuts in health coverage in the bill have sparked popular outrage. Every significant occupational group in health care provision, from family physicians to psychiatrists, and advocacy groups for those suffering from cancer, heart disease, lung disease, multiple sclerosis and other illnesses have all spoken out to denounce the cruelty of the legislation endorsed so enthusiastically last Thursday by President Donald Trump.

While Democratic politicians in Congress pretend to share the public outrage, their objections to this monstrous piece of class-war legislation are purely cosmetic. The Republican legislation only does more crudely what Obamacare aimed to do more deviously, behind a cloud of reformist rhetoric: cut the cost of health care provision for American corporations and the capitalist state by shifting the burden to working people…”

Whether Trump Is a Fascist or Just a Clown, He’s a Threat to Our Democracy All the Same article from AlterNet. –

The threat posed to Democracy by our dubious, lackluster Liar-in-Chief.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 85

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The behavior – and idiocy – of our illegitimate minority-elect President is getting more bizarre, conspiracy theories that made their way from the fringe to the White House courtesy of conservative media to help create cover for Trump’s profoundly ignorant incompetence, Trump opts to waste taxpayer money in New Jersey since he doesn’t have the balls to face people in his home state, lingering investigation of Trump’s Russia scandal could play role in 2018 midterm elections, again the twit take to Twitter to distract from reality, Trump’s unethical actions inviting impeachment, celebration of duplicitous passage of Trump’s fraudulent piece of crap health care short-lived as Russia probe takes center stage, more words of wisdom on health care from our lackluster leader’s lying lips and fingertips, Russia provided money a few years ago to help Trump fund some of his golf courses, Trump sleaze going International and lots more.

Trump Administration Has Now Crossed Over…To The Twilight Zone article from Forbes. –

‘This gets to the fabric of the nation'” Inside the dark conspiracy that made its way from the fringe to the White House article from AOL News. –

How Conservative media fuels conspiracy theories – primarily to cover up Trump’s incompetence and profound ignorance.

Donald Trump’s Thrifty Vacation to New Jersey article from The Atlantic. –

Any excuse to waste taxpayer money and avoid facing an angry crowd at home.

Trump-Russia probes could seep into 2018 midterms article from Politico. –

“The slow pace of investigations might be a boon to Democrats eager to keep the issue in the headlines.

The congressional investigations into President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia are off to such a sluggish start that they could stretch into next year’s midterm election season. That’s a silver lining for Democrats who have grumbled that investigators aren’t moving fast enough — but who would be delighted to see the issue in the headlines as voters head to the polls.

Interviews with more than a dozen lawmakers involved in the House and Senate Intelligence Committee investigations show there is no consensus on how long they should take. The interviews also show just how politicized these investigations have already become, which threatens to undermine Congress’ chance at determining what did or didn’t happen in the 2016 campaign…”

Trump says ‘fake media’ should probe Democrats’ ties to Russia article from The New York Post. –

Trump takes to twitter to yet again try and deflect attention from his malfeasance.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 84

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trumpcare causing political fallout for the GOP and pissing people off which will also affect our minority-elect President, using the White House for private gain at our expense, America’s issues with a reality TV president, more evidence Trump is lying about massive voter fraud, Trump’s first foreign trip will probably prove quite entertaining, the importance of studying history – so it doesn’t repeat itself, more revelations of Trump’s prefabricated Syrian gas attack fairy tale, Trump’s boldest move of all is pretending he actually has a mandate and much more.

It’s ‘Trumpcare,’ and GOP faces politival fallout article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

There’s a Lot of Worry That Trump Is a Dangerous Authoritarian – Could It Be That We Barely Hava President at All? article from AlterNet. –

The Trump Empire Expands article from Information Clearing House. –

Trump and the rest of his fraudulent family are using the White House to enrich themselves at our expense.

The health care vote shows Trump thinks the US presidency is just another reality television show article from Quartz. –

Life is good in Trump’s land of delusion:

“Republicans in the US House of Representatives voted in a health-care bill on Thursday (May 4) that has already made them wildly unpopular with some American voters, and is almost certain not to pass the Senate or become a law in any semblance of its current form.

If you’re watching this bit of American governance unfold, a reasonable question right now is…”Why?”

Why would lawmakers back a bill that may strip health care from millions of the poorest citizens (many of whom are Republican voters), could make it cripplingly expensive for tens of millions more, likely leaves them vulnerable in the next election—and that ultimately could be toothless, as fellow Republicans in the Senate are already condemning it?

There is one resounding answer coming from Washington: Because president Donald Trump desperately wanted something he could call a “win.” And while it may not make sense as a political strategy, it does make sense in a context he knows well: reality TV…”

Here’s Even More Evidence Trump Is Lying About Massive Voter Fraud article from The Huffington Post. –

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 83

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

What a semester of history lessons would be like under our minority-elect President, even Trump’s home doesn’t want him there, the GOP’s piece of shit Obamacare replacement bill is worse than previously thought, it’s appearing more and more like Bannon is the President – not our illegitimate Liar-in-Chief, Trump praises Australia’s single payer healthcare after passage of dubious Trumpcare, Trump’s first hundred days of incompetent lawyering and attempts to delegitimate dissent, Trump orders FDA to switch TV from CNN to Fox faux News, more on the draconian Obamacare replacement bill ramrodded through the House, so many promises broken by Trump, Trump would get sued into oblivion over his fake news and propaganda if he loosened libel laws, Trump’s silent but not forgotten Russia scandal is about to rear its ugly head again, how Trump is a master of deception, study shows 1 thing Trump wins at: being mocked on late night TV, Democratic groups raising millions courtesy of GOP’s latest chicanery, the Presidential edition of Donald Trump scandals, the list of networks refusing to air Trumps fake news and propaganda about his failed first 100 days getting bigger and much more.

A Trump History Lesson article from US News. –

Imagining what a semester of a history course taught by our Ignoramus-in-Chief would be like

‘He’s an embarrassment’: hostile welcome for Trump on return to New York article from The Guardian. –

The GOP’s Latest Health Care Replacement Bill Is Even More Heartless Than First Thought article from AlterNet. –

The GOP’s Obamacare replacement IS worse than previously thought.

Yes, It Really Is ‘President Bannon.’ article from The Daily Kos. –

“If there was any doubt that this country is now being effectively run by a white supremacist rather than the Reality TV con-man voted into office last November, a photograph taken yesterday inadvertently revealing White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor Stephen Bannon’s odious “blueprint” for the country should put that doubt to rest.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a rightwing orthodox Jew and hardline supporter of Israeli policies (who has become Trump’s primary go-to mouthpiece on all things Jewish) visited the White House yesterday for an “Israel Independence Day” celebration. The Twitter-friendly Boteach sought photographs of himself in tandem with every White House personage he could find, including, curiously, the anti-Semitic, white “nationalist” champion Bannon. While the pair made a curious combination for that reason alone, it was the scribbled-on whiteboard in the background of the photograph that was far more interesting:

As the Washington Post notes, this “whiteboard” lists Bannon’s personal policy goals, with an outsize focus on rabidly xenophobic, anti-immigrant policies. “Repeal and Replace Obamacare” is at the top left (another goal Bannon lists is lowering the corporate tax rate to a specific 15%, which Trump actually proposed just last week). The fact that Bannon has the Board so publicly displayed is also indicative of how proud he is to display his goals to the rest of us.

Behind Boteach and Bannon (and, in one photo, Boteach’s wife Debbie) is a handwritten whiteboard list that apparently shows the goals that Bannon is working toward at the White House. Broken out into categories, many are obscured by the people in the foreground. Some have check marks next to them, apparently meant to indicate completion. What’s more, it’s my understanding that this is a subset of the goals publicly presented in Bannon’s office, so we’re looking only at a subset of what Bannon hopes to achieve…”

The Destructive Ignorance of Donald Trump’s Supporters Appears to Know No Limits article from AlterNet. –

It seems Trump supporters are completely unaware that he wants to completely destroy their healthcare.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 82

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The vote on Trump’s fraudulent Obamacare replacement plan could spell disaster for our lackluster minority-elect President, for Trump and his supporters, ignorance truly is bliss, Trump’s delusional narcissism is toxic, time to seriously consider that Trump is unfit to be president, it’s dangerous to trust our Liar-in-Chief, using Conservative media to spread his fake news and propaganda, Democracy is the reason for Trump’s stunning failure of a Presidency, the House passes piece of shit Obamacare replacement bill – after which our Ignoramus-in-Chief’s partied with Republicans on White House grounds – though it will die in the Senate, the GOP owns Trumpcare now and it will come back to haunt them, religious Conservatives – and a host of others – are disappointed in Trump’s latest Executive Order publicity stunt, more on the fallout from Ivanka’s latest miscreantics, and a lot more.

Trump faces major test as vote looms on U.S. healthcare bill article from Reuters. –

Trump’s Republican Party Is Now a Neo-Confederate Party For More Jefferson Davis Than Abe Lincoln article from AlterNet. –

Trump and his miscreantic ilk are doing a number on the GOP which, so far, has been foolish enough to follow his idiotic lead.

Donald Trump’s malignant narcissims is toxic: Psychologist article from USA Today. –

Donald Trump’s Latest Historical Flub Should Sincerely Frighten You article from The Huffington Post. –

“For his supporters, ignorance is not only bliss, but something to aspire to.

President Trump has spent very little of his 70 golden years of life on this planet studying American history or government. That has become painfully obvious. He clearly hasn’t studied much world history either. And even as he sits in the most important office in the country, he refuses to become a student of history, or to try on intellectual curiosity.

Unlike our last president, Mr. Trump has never been, nor will he ever be, an intellectual. His wild statements over the last few days demonstrate once again that he knows nothing of America’s past, and even more alarming, he does not understand the seriousness of this global moment, and the consequences of his words which reverberate around the world in the seconds it takes for him to tweet them or speak them to a reporter.

And here’s what most upsetting about it all: some 45% of Americans simply don’t care, which means this could go on unabated for four years or more. They didn’t care when they elected him, and they don’t care now that he continues to tell outrageous lies, and showcases his ignorance every time he’s interviewed or gets his hands on Twitter. They don’t care that he doesn’t understand why the Civil War occurred, or that Andrew Jackson died 16 years before that war, and therefore could not have been “really angry” about it…”

The Identity Politics Of The Trump Administration article from FiveThirtyEight. –

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 81

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our minority-elect President begins with selling himself out to the corrupt oligarchy that actually runs this country, being called out for his fraudulent Obama wiretapping claims is aggravating, Trump’s treacherous homecoming, blaming the Constitution for his idiotic failure of a presidency, why CNN refused to air Trump’s propaganda piece on his first 100 days, interviews with Trump over his failed first 100 days reveal why he really needs to stop talking so much, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s career is almost over as he desperately lies to get passage of fraudulent Obamacare replacement bill, tweeted photo shows how the deviant mind of Steve Bannon works, Trump’s brown shirts in the U.S. Congress are poised to make history for all the wrong reasons on Obamacare replacement, Ivanka’s latest miscreantics include using a federal website for personal gain, demonizing North Korea could be a diversion for Trump’s plan to illegally invade Syria, Trump’s swamp growing more corrupt with each passing day, musings on who’s actually running the White House, the only thing Trump cares about is winning after so much losing and much more.

American Democray: A Dead Man Walking article from Paul Craig Roberts. –

It’s open war between Trump and CBS article from The New York Post. –

Apparently being called out for his fraudulent Obama wiretapping lies angered our Liar-in-Chief

Donald Trump love NY … but New York refuses to love him back article from The Guardian. –

Trump may end up receiving a hostile reception when he goes back to New York.

Trump Blames Constitution for his 100 Days of Failure & Declares May 1 Loyalty Day article from The Daily Kos. –

Ahhh the life of our moronic minority-elect Liar-in-Chief:

“Donald Trump blamed the Constitution for his repeated failures in his first hundred days in office. He told Fox News that the Constitution is archaic and that the rule of law that has prevented his unconstitutional edicts from being implemented “is a bad thing for the country”. www.theguardian.com/…

In an interview with Fox News to mark the 100-day mark, he declared himself “disappointed” with congressional Republicans, despite his many “great relationships” with them.

He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”…”

Are You Smarter Than the President? Take This Quiz and Find Out! article from AlterNet. –

Note: Trump got an F – as in failed, like his illegitimate presidency…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 80

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump catches hell for inviting a murderer to the White House – he does love his fellow dictators, using the presidency to enrich the fraudulent Trump family name, more fallout – and White House lies – over Trump’s fraudulent Obama wiretapping claims, Trump the smalltime crook, Trump gets mad at CNN for not airing his fake news ad, the incompetence of our minority-elect President and his administration, joking about war crimes based on a false flag fairy tale speaks volumes, to understand the fraud of the new Trumpcare repeal bill just follow the money, Trump’s lies about Flynn are about to get interesting, reasons Trump is so pissed off at Democrats over the budget revealed and much more.

Trump hit with backlash after inviting Philippine Leader Rodrigo Duterte to the White House article from AOL News. –

That Trump read ‘The Snake’ at his 100-day rally tells you all you need to know about his next 100 days article from CNN. –

Now if only we could get him to slither back under the rock he crawled out of…

Tomgram: Nomi Prins, All in the Family Trump article from Tom Dispatch. –

Fraudulently using the presidency to enrich themselves will not bode well for our minority-elect first family.

Think Trump is an authoritarian? Look at his actions, not his words article from The Guardian. –

Actions always speak louder than words, but few, if any – aside from himself – ever said he was smart:

“A wise psychoanalyst once told me, “Stop looking at what you’re saying, look at what you’re doing.” If only journalists applied the same rule to Donald Trump.

On Friday night, Trump complained that he was being stymied by “archaic rules” in the House of Representatives and the Senate and warned “maybe at some point we’re going to have to take those rules on.”

Aaron Blake, a journalist at The Washington Post, was quick to diagnose the statement:

Now Trump is talking about consolidating his power…Whether this is just him [Trump] blowing off steam or signaling what lies ahead, it’s significant. Because it suggests a president, yet again, who doesn’t agree with his own powers being limited or even questioned. Remember when senior policy adviser Stephen Miller declared “the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned?” This is more of that kind of attitude. He wants more power — and he wants it quickly. It’s not difficult to connect this to his past admiration for authoritarian leaders, and these comments are likely to give Democrats (and even some in the GOP establishment) plenty of heartburn. This is a demonstrated pattern for him, for all the reasons listed at the top of this post…”

THE CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT AT 100 DAYS article from Who What Why. –

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 79

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Host of White House Correspondents dinner lambasts Trump – who had to re-energize himself with a campaign rally in PA – despite being asked not to, our wannabe dictator bemoans the U.S. Constitution as ‘archaic’ and ‘really bad’ for the country, the truth keeps blowing the lid off Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale, more on Ivanka’s miscreantics as special adviser to her minority-elect father, corporate rights trump human rights in our wannabe dictator’s land of delusion, Trump’s first 100 days make history – for having the lowest approval ever, Trump cancels interview when pressed on his fraudulent Obama wiretapping claims, Trump’s trade tirades frustrating GOP, tripping over Trumpcare due to his own ignorance, Trump’s first 100 days sucked so bad he had to put out his own Fake News ad to make himself look good, the U.S. Constitution could provide a couple of ways to remove our fraudulent Liar-in-Chief, the growing number of protests and protesters, our authoritarian President’s reign of idiots, be on the lookout for another false flag – worse than Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale false flag – as Trump flails to save his presidency and much more.

White House correspondents Dinner host blasts Trump, despite being asked not to article from Yahoo! News. –

Trump bashed White House Correspondents and media… it works both ways.

Trump happy to be with ‘much better people’ than Washington press corps article from CBS News. –

Beyond 100 days, Trump faces more legislative challenges article from Yahoo! News. –

Lavrov Dismantles UK-Led Sarin ‘Investigation’ in 30 Seconds article from Russia Insider. –

The truth keeps blowing the lid off Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale:

“Lavrov blows the whistle on the OPCW and its ‘investigations’ in Syria

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has a simple message for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons: Stop with the bullshit.

Speaking with journalists in Moscow on Monday, Lavrov pointed out that the OPCW has taken more than four months to ‘analyze’ chemical samples from Aleppo, which would likely implicate Syrian ‘opposition’ forces in war crimes. And surprise, surprise — the OPCW needs even more time before it can release a report.

Meanwhile, it took this prestigious organization only four days to declare that Sarin was used in the April 4 attack in Khan Sheikhun…”

Our Political Reality Is the Stuff of Nightmares article from AlterNet. –

Part of the problem lies with those that voted for Trump actually believing he cares for them…

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