Tag Archives: Donald J Trump

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 343

Trump compared to past presidents from Move On

Chronicling the misadventures of our forever Impeached minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our forever Impeached malignant minority-elect president* begins with yet another failed Trump October Surprise propaganda stunt to try and shift attention from his corrupt, ignorant ass to Biden with no success, how losing could open the door to Trump facing charges for the multitude of crimes he has committed in office since being ‘elected,’ the Don’s desperate freak show has imploded and it’s not going well for him because his profound corruption and stupidity keep making things worse, a closer look at the long corrupt history of our Liar-in-Thief details his failed life of corruption which has grown exponentially since he was ‘elected,’ Donald is desperately trying to find ways to steal the election after he gets his ass handed to him but will fail – as he always does with everything else and so much more.

The anatomy of the New York Post’s dubious Hunter Biden story article from CNN.

A look at how one of Trump’s ‘October Surprise’ propaganda stunts to try and shift America’s awareness of his corruptly ignorant presidency to a fabricated Biden scandal failed massively and is coming back to bite him.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 195th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

A look at how Donnie’s desperation is growing because his con has collapsed and he’s about to get his ass handed to him, which won’t bode well once he’s out of office.

Reality Check: Trump’s Accusations Are Always Projections About Himself article from Crooks and Liars.

How our diaper dictator always tries to accuse Biden – and all his ‘political enemies’ actually – of the very crimes and other illegal actions that he himself is guilty of committing:

Losing Could Expose Trump To Prosecution For Any Number Of Crimes article from The Intercept.

A look at how Donald could face a multitude of crimes once he’s voted out of office due to his profound corruption and stupidity – as well as his delusions that he is above the law – for having the most corrupt administration in the history of this country:

“EVEN IF President Donald Trump loses on November 3, it’s hard to imagine that he’ll ever be convicted of any crime, much less serve time in prison.

That’s because, first and foremost, no former U.S. president has ever seen the inside of a cell — and not because all presidents have faithfully followed the law. Presidents accumulate huge favors owed, favors that they cash in, figuratively and literally, when they become former presidents. On the modest end of the spectrum, 20 wealthy friends of Ronald Reagan bought a mansion in Bel-Air, Los Angeles, for him and Nancy to live in when he left office. More significantly, ex-presidents receive political protection from their allies, as when Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for anything whatsoever he’d done in office.

And beyond anything concrete that a president does for the factions that back him, those factions also strenuously oppose any consequences for their president’s actions for reasons of basic class solidarity. If an ex-president can face consequences, that would suggest that people one step down the power ladder could too. And the people at the top of U.S. society see consequences like Leona Helmsley saw taxes: They’re for the little people.

That said, stranger things than the prosecution of Trump have happened: for instance, Trump being elected president in the first place…”

Most Presidents Who Lose Deal With Shame. Trump Could Have To Deal With Prison. article from The Huff Post.

The Donald is growing more desperate as he gets closer to having his ass handed to him by an overwhelming majority on November 3rd because once he’s out of office he could be in deep legal shit and he’s not handling it well…

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Will Trump’s Hoax Derail His Presidency?

C19 lies Trump from Pinterest

For more than three plus years now, since being ‘elected’ despite losing the popular vote by almost three million and winning the ‘Electoral College’ courtesy of less than 78,000 voters in three states, President* Donald J. Trump has fast tracked his profound corruption and stupidity to the national stage and provided more than ample evidence that his entire presidency never should have happened to begin with while littering his legacy with numerous acts of Treason – including obstructions of justice and colluding with Russia and Ukraine, which is still ongoing, to steal an election – crimes against humanity, multiple acts of domestic terrorism – which includes using toxic chemicals on peaceful protestors, inciting violence, and an endless myriad of other high crimes while pathologically lying about everything to constantly distract from the severity of his criminal actions, and now he has the Coronavirus.

Feeling emboldened after being enabled, aided and abetted by an equally corrupt ‘Attorney General,’ GOP controlled Senate and endless other unqualified frauds and felons that he has dubiously appointed to high positions in his cabal has only hastened his utter destruction of America under his fallacious guise of making it great again. Trump isn’t subtle about all the endless crimes he commits. He confesses publicly to them or takes to Twitter to deepen the holes that he’ll never be able to slither out of and all of them are on public record, with many more to be revealed by the State of New York if he doesn’t successfully steal the election in November. Committing more crimes by encouraging the terrorists at the core faction of his base to monitor polling places to intimidate and try to help him steal the election isn’t going to bode well for him either.

When the Attorney General illegally perverts the rule of law to aid and abet a forever impeached, arguably illegitimate president* to commit Treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors, extortion and a host of other felonies, the so-called law becomes non-existent and is weaponized for use against political opponents. Illegally threatening all his perceived enemies and trying to steal power that the president never had to begin with and obstructing justice by defying court orders only works for so long and the delusional bubbles in Trump’s alternate reality will inevitably pop come back to haunt him – especially when the tables are turned against him once he’s out of office. Impeaching the Attorney General for a growing list of well documented crimes he has committed for the most corrupt presidential administration in U.S. history is one way to start reigning Trump in and holding him accountable.

Donald Trump is and always has been nothing but a fraudulent con man – Trump U, multiple casino and real estate bankruptcies, multiple rapes and sexual assaults, hanging out and partying with known pedophiles, steaks and his multitude of other criminal endeavors – whose greatest gift is showmanship, bull shitting and endless lying (which only works on those that are gullible or stupid enough to believe everything he tells them since they’re incapable of independent thought) that should have been in prison decades ago. Trump’s delusions have been on full display since day one but have been part of his psyche his entire life. They’ve only worsened since ‘winning’ the White House and now the country, especially the massive majority that doesn’t support him, are paying the price in so many ways.

Buffoonery, bloviated bull shit, endless pathological lies, conspiracy theories, racism, misogyny, grandiose embellishments and delusional narcissism, among a myriad of other things, have plagued Trump his entire life and led to growing division in this country due to his constantly encouraging domestic terrorism while praising right-wing Nationalists and other terrorist groups (think Boogaloo Boys, Proud Boys and others he lovingly refers to as ‘patriots’) paying call girls and illegally trying to cover it up and other extramarital affairs, 5 bankruptcies, collusion with foreign enemies, obstructing justice - he is also an unindicted co-conspirator - money laundering, profound fraud on so many levels and other crimes and malevolent misadventures that have resulted in revealing he is nothing but a career criminal who has failed at everything he has done and the massive majority is waking up to those facts.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 338

False prophet Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our forever Impeached minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

His potential for covering up coronavirus data sent to the CDC begins today’s misadventures of our forever Impeached malevolent minority-elect president* as it appears that he will probably be stupid and corrupt enough to try and cover things up so it doesn’t look so bad for his political benefit, how he just can’t seem to grasp the fact that he is the problem – despite trying to find another scapegoat to pin his corruption and stupidity on, Trump is doing everything he can to illegally steal the election to avoid prison time once he’s booted out of office by voters and so much more.

Warnings of Possible Cover-Up in Progress as Trump Orders Hospitals to Stop Sending Coronavirus Data to CDC article from Common Dreams.

The potential for Trump illegally collecting information about the Coronavirus and trying to cover it up is very real, and he would not be doing himself any favors if he’s really that corrupt and stupid.

Trump thinks firing his campaign manager will help (but it won’t) article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

President Tweety can’t seem to understand that regardless of who he gets to manage his campaign, they’re not going to turn things around because everyone is painfully aware that he is a forever impeached, illegitimate president* who is profoundly corrupt and too stupid to lead this country.

Trump Declares War On America, Invades Portland To Look Strong For Re-Election article from Crooks and Liars.

The Don’s despotic delusions of grandeur are on full display yet again as he continues growing the list of crimes committed in office, this time illegally fucking with Portland and San Diego with Domestic Terrorism in a desperate bid to get re-elected:

Coronavirus is taking all the fun out of being president article from The Week.

A look at how Donnie loves the pomp and circumstance – as well as the power – that comes with being president but doesn’t actually care about leading, which he is totally incapable of, or working, especially since he can’t lie and bullshit his way out of the pandemic – and he’s going to pay a big price for it:

“The best thing about being president, if you are Donald Trump, is the pomp and adoration: crowds, applause, fancy dinners, fawning interviews, viral tweets. A distant second is probably big trucks.

The trucks are still there for him — White House staff arranged a visit from 18-wheelers last week, reportedly to boost the presidential mood — but the pandemic has put the pomp and adoration in marked decline. Trump’s June rally in Tulsa was poorly attended, and a subsequent rally in New Hampshire was canceled. Featured events on the re-election website are all virtual.

“At this point in 2016, Trump was already holding several rallies each week, including a double-header in Nevada and Arizona on June 18 and a three-day span in late July that featured six rallies in four states over 72 hours,” Politico reports. But for the 2020 race, COVID-19 has precluded a similar schedule; since March, Trump has had just two big campaign events, one of them severely disappointing.

The coronavirus is taking all the fun out of being president. Could it make the presidency so dull Trump wouldn’t want it at all?…”

Donald Trump has unified America – against him article from The Guardian.

The vast majority of the U.S. – and the world – have finally realized that having such a profoundly corrupt and idiotic moron ‘leading’ the country has done a lot of damage and it’s time to remove the cancer once and for all.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 337

Promise everything Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our forever Impeached minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our forever Impeached malignant minority-elect president* begins with how the coronavirus pandemic and his treasonous response to Russian bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan have exacerbated the imminent implosion of his massive failure of a presidency, he is going to pay a big price for his criminally negligent failed response to the coronavirus pandemic, his niece confirms that all he ever does is lie about everything because it gives him pleasure, Donnie’s in trouble now because his delusional distractions and lies aren’t working any more and he’s not handling it well and so much more.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 180th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

More on the ongoing axiomatic corruption and stupidity being perpetrated by Trump who has failed miserably in more ways than one, but the coronavirus pandemic and his treasonous actions with Russian bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan are currently hurting him the most.

Millions of Americans are about to find out just how badly they’ve been screwed by Trump and the GOP article from The Daily Kos.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues raging and reversing the ‘gains’ made in jobs last month while the economy continues crashing and burning due to Trump’s criminal negligence in his failed pandemic response, people are going to be devastated as benefits budgeted to help everyone, especially unemployed, are about to expire at the end of July, and they are going to be pissed off royally as they should be…

Trump Blames Joe Biden For Violent Crime That Took Place Over 4th Of July Weekend article from PoliticusUSA.

The Don appears to have forgotten that he is currently the president* in his land of delusion in which he blames the Democratic presidential nominee for everything his failed criminal regime is responsible for:

The floor is collapsing under Trump as COVID-19 hits his base article from Alternet.

Now that the rapidly expanding coronavirus pandemic is destroying states that voted for his corrupt and ignorant ass, Donald is losing more of his base and he can’t handle it:

“I have long argued that conservatives’ innate empathy deficit requires them to suffer directly from societal problems and controversies before they will support basic concepts, like the value of the social safety net or the importance of medical research or the morality of same-sex marriage. We’ve seen this play out with the COVID-19 crisis, as the virus first hit urban centers and coastal regions rather than Republican strongholds.

Republican governors, with only a few exceptions, did not take the pandemic seriously enough and put too much emphasis on reopening their economies. They are now suffering the consequences, and their constituents are turning on them, and on the president. Gallup shows Trump’s approval rating sinking to 38 percent, and the explanation is based almost entirely on new people being impacted by COVID-19.

Pew Research Center polls show Trump’s approval is slipping fastest in the 500 counties where the number of cases have been more than 28 coronavirus deaths per 100,000 people.

Pew surveyed voters in late March and the same people again in late June, and found 17% of those who approved of the president in March now disapprove…”

Rachel Maddow Zeroes In On Central Theme Of New Tell-All Book: Trump’s Favorite Hobby Is Lying article from PoliticusUSA.

A new tell-all book by Trump’s niece reveals some new things and confirms a lot of other things, including the fact that all he ever does is lie about everything:

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Presidential Pandemonium Punctuates U.S. Pandemic Failure

It’s All About Me, All Of The Time Trump from Crooks and Liars

The daily dose of the President* Donald J. Trump Con Man Show passed off as a Coronavirus Pandemic Response Press Briefing which is used to promote lies, falsehoods, ignorance littered with corruption and Conspiracy Theories while congratulating himself for delusional embellishments that exist only in what little is left of his very unstable mind are quite revealing and his pandemonium is quite dangerous. The so-called press briefings have devolved into miniature rallies to benefit the fatally flawed personality traits – self-aggrandizing Sociopathic narcissism – that benefits no one but himself while causing more dubious distractions.

The man who doesn’t take responsibility for his massive failure of a response to the pandemic outbreak and doesn’t listen to professionals who warned him months before the outbreak occurred and feels no empathy towards others and only cares about himself is in no position to handle the National Emergency we’re experiencing now. The results of the massive failure that has been Trump’s Coronavirus Pandemic response is all his fault, and in fact, much of that massive failure that has been the Trump Administration’s reaction to the Coronavirus pandemic could easily be construed as criminal:

Using the so-called press briefings to stay in the spotlight while gaslighting the nation isn’t working out too well for Trump as more and more people are realizing how incompetent he is. Instead of informing the U.S. population about fighting the Coronavirus pandemic and acting Presidential, he has corrupted that opportunity and transformed them into reelection campaign rallies wherein he attacks his political rivals, Governors and others that are critical of his failed response, pushes untested drug and herbal supplement treatments as well as other Conspiracy Theories crafted by Fox faux News and a couple of his other propaganda outlets, attacked the press for using his words against him and revealed exactly why he never belonged in the White House to begin with.

Trump is a one trick pony. As long as he’s the center of attention he’s happy and he’ll say and do anything to keep the spotlight on himself. You can rest assured that Trump’s pandemonium is intentional. It’s designed to keep him in the spotlight, deflect from his incompetence, distract us from the crimes he is committing and to cater to his endless corrupt delusions. The only thing it has resulted in so far is more American deaths from the Coronavirus, record unemployment and total chaos as hospitals scramble for supplies and small businesses wonder if they’ll ever recover. Meanwhile Trump says his gut will lead him but as the past three plus years have shown, that only means another corrupted moronic decision based on demented delusion that will benefit him and his cohorts is headed our way.


The Coronavirus outbreak that has been unleashed upon the world is unlike anything we’ve ever seen in our lifetime but dystopian delusions – ignorant bull shit – lies and rage tweeting don’t destroy diseases and someone apparently forgot to send our president* that memo. Using a bully pulpit and interrupting daily television programming to misinform and gaslight everyone while distracting with more deception and misinformation to cover up his latest crime spree only serves to highlight the fact that Trump doesn’t have a plan to deal with the pandemic, isn’t capable of handling a crisis, isn’t presidential – nor will he every be – and that in fact he should have been removed from office when he was impeached.

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Trumpocracy: Where Alternative Facts Create Alternative Reality

Ah the irony of minority-elect popular vote loser President Donald John Trump bitching about “fake news.” Now that Trump has been sworn in to less than stellar crowds regardless of how much he lies about record attendance, the Trump administration has taken to creating “alternative facts” to rewrite history and fabricate an alternative reality. Listening to Trump’s dubious claims of ‘media dishonesty’ and ‘fake news’ would be hilarious were it not for the fact that in addition to having Twitter to spread his fake news and lies, he has the most powerful office in the country to expand his delusional agenda.

Trump is profoundly corrupt and ignorant enough to believe his own narcissistic alternate version of reality and is more dishonest than the media he complains about. Less than 24 hours after Trump took office White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer destroyed all his credibility by blatantly lying about the attendance at Trump’s meager inauguration. When Spicer’s failed attempts of ignorantly trying to sell his boss’s delusional reality failed, Trump’s subservient Chief propagandist Kellyanne Conway, who also serves as White House counselor, went on America’s Sunday morning political theater TV and defended Spicer’s decision to provide ‘alternate facts.’

To understand and defeat the pathological liar-in-chief in the White House and the propaganda pushers filling his key cabinet positions, it’s important to learn how they disseminate their lies. Our delusional leader and Kellyanne Conway are responsible for most of the lies, though Trump’s Chief strategist Steve Bannon, a White alt-right Nationalist who was registered to vote in 2 states, and was the former editor of Breitbart – a right-wing conspiracy theory pushing publication that will be increasingly utilized to push Trump’s lies – will also play a major role in pushing the White House’s fallacies. The top 3 strategies used by Trump and his ilk include: Lie, repeat the lie, then try to deflect, distract and divert the lie. When that fails the next strategy includes bullying and attacking those that dispute the easily refutable lies so don’t get confused by their duplicitous bull shit.


It can be challenging to keep up with all the Trump administration’s lies so seeking the truth will require keeping close tabs on everything he does. Like many before our minority-elect, popular vote losing President, Trump says one thing and does another. Actions really do speak louder than words so no matter how disingenuously Trump lies, his actions will reveal his true intentions. Deflating Trump’s lies will also require fighting back and holding the fraudulent companies and political pundits accountable for their actions and lies (a good place to start is educating yourself on the Heritage Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council which have been advising our dimwitted, thin-skinned president all along, then get to know Bannon and Conway better as they will continue playing crucial roles in Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda).

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