Tag Archives: Illegitimate Minority-elect President

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 244

100 percent Crooked Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The truth about his dwindling popularity begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as he has never been and never will be as popular as his polls suggest, the depths of endless profound corruption and complete ineptitude from our demented delinquent and his fraudulent family are truly remarkable, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda is working overtime to desperately keep his treasonous Orange ass out of trouble, history will not judge Trump or his followers kindly, Trump’s life has been one massive fraudulent failure after another and his presidency will be no different, why it is imperative to start recognizing and calling our Marmalade Miscreant’s lies and corrupt criminal actions what they are regardless of how pissed off his ignorant ass gets, for once in his life our Liar and Thief accidentally admitted the truth plus much more.

Is Trump really winning? The truth about the president’s popularity article from The Guardian. –

The polls showing our dimwitted dip shit’s popularity hanging around 41 percent are misleading which is one of the many reasons he is and always will be an illegitimate minority-elect president*.

Trump’s Ineptitude Is No Joke article from Bloomberg News. –

A partial list of reasons – there are MANY MORE – that America’s most corrupt-ever president* is unfit to be in office and should have been removed long ago.

After Getting Hosed by Kim Jong-Un in Singapore, Trump Does Putin’s Bidding Ahead of Their Helsinki Summit article from Alternet. –

Trump’s farcical ‘historic summit’ with North Korea was a bust so now he’s desperately trying to make everyone believe his Russian Master doesn’t own him and that there was no collusion – despite mountains of evidence showing that there actually was – and his upcoming ass kissing summit with Putin will also be a bust…

Zero Tolerance for Internment Camps article from The Nation. –

Terrorizing migrant children and their families by Herr Frump and his Gestapo will probably be okayed by our corrupt ‘Supreme’ Court so it’s up to us to put an end to it:

“Donald Trump has been in power for less than two years, and already, discrimination is a legal norm in America. As a nation, we’ve lost our standing in the international community. We’re continuing our country’s long history of ripping families of color apart. We’re rejecting refugees fleeing violence in their home countries, even as we provide the weapons to fuel endless wars. We’ve endured several different versions of travel bans aimed at Muslims, and gutted voting=rights protections that ensure our ability to hold leaders accountable for their actions, or inaction.

The Supreme Court of the United States’ decision to uphold Trump’s Muslim ban this week endangers many members of the communities I come from and work with as much as it affects the people arriving at our shores or our borders. It throws people into the same broken immigration system, and forces them into detention centers, full of fear that they will never see their sons, daughters, grandmothers, or cousins again.

There is nothing more heartbreaking than being kept away from your family. Donald Trump’s “zero-tolerance” policy exploits this pain in dark ways, but the Supreme Court is as complicit as Congress and the white supremacists lurking behind the scenes. The Court was established to balance unchecked power in our government, but under this administration it has become a tool for dismantling rights enshrined in our Constitution. Sadly, the majority’s decision to turn a blind eye to Trump’s rhetoric and clearly expressed intent to discriminate isn’t surprising.

And if the White House is doing its part to attack our communities with these policies, the Supreme Court upholds them, and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) brings those policies to life…”

UNPRESIDENTED – A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 75th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Medium. –

A look at our demented delinquent’s most recent failed week in office after being given dubious victories by our thoroughly corrupt ‘Supreme’ Court.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 243

Scrotus from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with recognition of how this has been the best week for him – his corrupt Supreme Court gave him the green light to implement his illegal Muslim Ban and also dealt several blows to unions – and the worst week for America, there appears to be some special relationship between our retiring Supreme Court ‘Justice’s’ son and the Trump family which may explain why he suddenly decided to retire – raising many more questions which will open a larger can of worms for America’s most corrupt-ever president*, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator would be a lot more dangerous were it not for the fact that he’s too much of a moron to be effectively authoritarian, our lackluster lame duck Liar-in-Chief isn’t even trying to cover up his lies any more and so much more.

This Has Been The Best Week For Trump But The Worst Week For America article from The Huffington Post. –

How a thoroughly corrupt, politicized ‘Supreme’ Court gave our national embarrassment the green light to implement his illegal Muslim Ban and purposely destroyed unions to benefit fraudulent corporations that own them, proving that the rule of law no longer exists and it’s up to us to change things.

Michael Cohen now popular in New York as friends and strangers encourage him to become ‘hero’ that saves America from Trump: report article from The Raw Story. –

Since it’s obvious that our feckless fuhrer’s gestapo and the so-called ‘Supreme Court’ won’t stop him, some are looking for his ex-lawyer to save this country and flip on Trump.

Inside the White House’s Quiet Campaign to Create a Supreme Court Opening article from The New York Times. –

It appears that ‘Justice’ Kennedy is retiring in collusion with creating a vacancy, due in part to the fact that his son helped America’s most corrupt-ever president* and his son financially – there is something very wrong with this picture if that is true…

Loans of over $1 Billion to Trump by SCOTUS justice Kennedy’s son, but nothing to see here… article from The Daily Kos. –

More on the sudden resignation of a ‘Justice’ with ties to Trump and his fraudulent offspring:

“Anthony Kennedy’s son works for Deutschbank and has loaned Trump over $1 billion in real estate loans.

….when he was a real estate developer, according to two people with knowledge of his role.

During Mr. Kennedy’™s tenure, Deutsche Bank became Mr. Trump’s most important lender, dispensing well over $1 billion in loans to him…

Mr. Crowbot (@creedence_tapes) June 29, 2018

But as we have seen there’s no collusion, not even Russian collusion in the Trump regime…”

The Lost City of Trump article from Politico. –

Our dimwitted dip shit actually thought he was going to build a city that the world would remember him by, but like everything else he touches, he failed.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 224

Trump can lie faster than you can fact-check from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

How his endless lies have increased by almost 33 percent after his first 100 days begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* who keeps lying even more as his corruption implodes his failed presidency, shooting himself in the foot – once again – by eviscerating his legal argument for the Muslim Ban, our dysfunctional dumb ass president* and his ilk have gone from saying there was never any collusion to saying there was never any collusion involving him, why Trump is incapable of stopping himself from obstructing justice, fighting a battle with Mueller that he can’t win – especially since it’s blatantly obvious that he’s guilty as hell, how having a corrupt moron on his legal team will prove devastating to the corrupt moron in the White House plus lots more.

Trump’s Rate of Lying Has Increased Almost 33 Percent Since Ranking After First 100 Days article from Alternet. –

The lies keep growing exponentially as his growing scandals and corruption engulfs our dimwitted dip shit’s failed presidency.

Trump’s big mouth just undercut his own administration’s defense of the Muslim Ban article from ThinkProgress. –

Once again our Liar and Thief just shot himself in the foot and put his legal defense of his illegal Muslim Ban in jeopardy due to his chronic stupidity.

Rachel Maddow Just Asked The One Question That Blew The Lid Off Of Trump/Russia Collusion article from PoliticusUSA. –

Why have America’s worst-ever president* and the miscreants he calls his administration gone from saying there was never any collusion to saying there was never any collusion involving Trump?:

Trump’s Game of Sneaky Leaks: Is He Playing the New York Times The Same Way Russia Did? article from Alternet. –

Trump is famous for leaking things to draw attention away from his endless criminal acts and deceptions:

“In her new book, “Chasing Hillary,” New York Times reporter Amy Chozick admits that she and other mainstream media reporters were duped by foreign propaganda. In a chapter titled “How I Became an Unwitting Agent of Russian Intelligence,” Chozick confesses that she and her Times colleagues allowed the need for attention — and clicks — to guide their decision to forefront largely unimportant information obtained from email hacks of Hillary Clinton’s staff. Those leaks were likely the work of Russian agents, who fed the information to the newspaper (by way of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks) in order to feed a false narrative that Clinton was duplicitous and untrustworthy.

“[N]othing hurt worse than my own colleagues calling me a de facto instrument of Russian intelligence,” she wrote. “The worst part was they were right.”

Perhaps after failing democracy in the worst way, you might think staff at the New York Times had learned their lesson. This week there’s reason to be worried that they didn’t — and not because of reporter Maggie Haberman’s feigned umbrage over the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, in an apparent effort to ingratiate herself with White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. (As bad as that was.) The real concern is that the Times is getting played by the Trump administration in almost the same way it got played by the Russians, which suggests the Gray Lady’s staffers are still allowing the desire for breaking news to trump their civic duty.

At issue is a recent story from Michael Schmidt about a list of questions that Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly wants to ask Trump, many of them focused on questions of possible collusion with Russian agents or attempts to obstruct justice. The story isn’t all that surprising in itself, but it nonetheless has that frisson of intrigue guaranteed to drive traffic: Secret documents obtained from anonymous sources, the suggestion that the Russia investigation is on the verge of a breakthrough, a hint that the president himself may soon be in the hot seat. As I write this on Tuesday evening, the story has been at the top of the Times homepage for nearly a full day, and became the basis for a dramatic episode of the popular podcast “The Daily.”…”

Trump is simply incapable of stopping himself from obstructing justice article from The Raw Story. –

Just as he is incapable of ever telling the truth and much of it has to do with his endless corruption which will destroy what little is left of his failed presidency.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 217

Pee Brain Trump cover of The NY Daily News from The NY Daily News

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The exponential crises imploding his profoundly corrupt and failed time in office begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president*, our national embarrassment believes in justice – except when it applies to him and his corrupt cohorts, our war criminal president* – who can’t seem to figure out whether or not to bomb Syria over what will probably end up being another false flag gas attack or snuggle up with his buddy Putin – is about to commit more war crimes in Syria, still penalizing the poor and the elderly by immoral – and probably illegal – Executive Order, the complete corruption and incompetence of our demented delusionist is on full public display, our illegitimate president* is trapped and his moronic actions only make him look more guilty plus much more.

Day 445: Crises Everywhere for Trump article from Medium. –

It seems each passing day brings a new crisis facing America’s worst-ever president* and each passing day his profound corruption further engulfs his failed presidency.

Donald Trump Actually Thinks He’s Popular article from The Nation. –

Even constantly lying to himself can’t prevent reality from destroying his land of delusion or his failed presidency and it’s costing him bigly.

Donald Trump’s Strange Justice article from The Atlantic. –

Our national embarrassment claims to believe in Justice – except when it applies to him and his corrupt cohorts.

Steve Schmidt Tells The Nation How Corrupt Trump And His Organization Really Are article from PoliticusUSA. –

On the growing delusions of America’s most corrupt-ever president* and the damage being done:

“It is one thing for liberal leaning political analysts or pundits to discuss Mr. Trump’s apparent meltdown yesterday addressing how his long time friend and lawyer, Michael Cohen is now at the center of a federal investigation and quite another to witness Republican strategist, and former John McCain campaign Chief Strategist, Steve Schmidt doing so.

Let’s just say, Mr. Schmidt adds a level of credibility to the discussion. And last night, Mr. Schmidt on his appearance on The Eleventh Hour with Brian Williams guest-hosted by Nicole Wallace, provided viewers with such credibility.

Upon coming back from break, Nicole Wallace told Mr. Schmidt to “Go,” and boy did he. This is what the republican strategist had to say about Mr. Trump, the events which unfolded yesterday with Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen, and the Trump organization itself.

Said, Mr. Schmidt:…”

Critics Warn Any US Attack on Syria Ordered by Trump Would Be ‘Reckless,’ Dangerous,’ and ‘Illegal’ article from Common Dreams. –

Which means our war criminal president* will probably commit more war crimes and – again – attack a country the U.S. is illegally occupying since the vast majority of what he has done in office has been illegal.

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When a Fake President Cries About Fake News

Listening to President Trump’s recent diatribe about the media before paying honor to Veterans at an Independence Day event that took place a couple of days early was quite revealing, though not for him in a good way as Trump has a history of conducting Twitter tirades to spread fake news about his accomplishments, threaten blackmail, slander and defame opponents, and to deflect from his ongoing scandals, including Russia and his many conflicts of interest.

It’s hard for Trump to accept the fact that he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million to Hillary Clinton – 11 million when you throw in third party voters, and milenials, as well as a majority of America, consider his presidency fake and illegitimate and despite his best attempts, he has no mandate. Distracting from fact and truth with his Twitter tirades while conducting his war on the media only serves as a reminder that the majority may be right and it’s difficult for him to handle.

Over the past few days Trump has conducted a steady tirade of Twitter tantrums: One against MSNBC for firing Greta Van Susteren, one against Morning Joe hosts – also on MSNBC, and one against CNN for spreading fake news. A day after starting his Twitter tirade against the Morning Joe hosts Trump dug in and added fuel to the fire. Trump constantly cries fake news against CNN as well as the New York Times, The Washington Post and a couple of other media outlets reporting on his Russia scandal but the more tirades he conducts, the more it becomes obvious that his cognitive deficits are growing.

Since day one Trump has proved repeatedly that he is a liar. Since day one Trump has used Twitter and a multitude of other right-wing ‘news’ outlets to spread his lies and propaganda as fact. Tweeting simply provides an outlet for him to spread falsehoods and lies to his millions of supporters – many if not most of which were actually found to be bots – without having any accountability from the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him and the media. Acting like a demented delinquent while spreading lies and fake news inevitably leads to credibility issues and mistrust.

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The biggest pisser of the 2016 election

Like the majority of Americans that didn’t vote for our illegitimate minority-elect President Donald J. Trump who has absolutely no mandate whatsoever, I awoke on November 9, 2016 with a putrid sense of despair knowing that for at least the next 2 years America will be drastically eviscerated courtesy of the minority mass of morons that were foolish enough to be conned into voting for him. But the biggest pisser of the 2016 election is that now a majority of us will also pay a heavy price for the perfidious ignorance of a minority that was foolish enough to put a profoundly corrupt psychopathic wannabe dictator in the White House.

Despite the unsubstantiated Kafkaesque cries of Russian hacking of America’s election based on bogus assessments and speculation with no proof whatsoever that, according to one leader of our Intelligence complex, did not result in any votes being flipped for our Orange incoming wannabe dictator and were only designed to sway public opinion against the establishment’s more preferred Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton coupled with flatulent cries of FBI interference – despite protecting Clinton from prosecution from criminal malfeasance with a private email server which would have landed virtually anyone else prison time — Clinton has no one to blame for losing the election to a fraudulent, profoundly delusional liar whose disdain for rules and laws have been well documented but herself.

Leaked – not hacked – emails revealed numerous questionable acts of chicanery and malfeasance that only confirmed what many of us knew about Clinton all along. Disenfranchising the more popular candidate didn’t do the Democratic Party any favors either. Also note that the same morons in Washington’s Culture of Corruption that willfully lied us to war with Iraq (DNI James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham as well as their whores in our Corporate media) are claiming Russian interference in an effort to goad the public to war with Russia. Think about it and consider the sources.

After losing the presidency despite having more than 2.8 million popular votes from the majority of Americans that weren’t disenfranchised and discriminated against, Democrats lost badly as more Republicans won elections in a multitude of U.S. states and gained total control of the U.S. Congress thanks in large part to the flood of corporate money in public elections geared towards misinforming a large part of America’s gullible population that is incapable of making informed decisions and too stupid to realize that once again they have been duped, voter disenfranchisement in 27 states, uncounted ballots, and because multitudes of people couldn’t bring themselves to vote for either candidate.

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