Tag Archives: Lying Orange Piece Of Shit In The White House

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 263

Blotus Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with a satirical look at what the U.S. presidency has become since he was ‘elected’ by a minority, our fake president continues his war on fake news by tweeting about a fake conspiracy theory to distract from his failed presidency, how everyone in Trumpland is corrupt, his desperation to deflect from his Russia scandal is growing, still bragging – though lying – about accomplishments that don’t exist, our gift that keeps on giving screws over federal employees after passing his fraudulent tax reform scam and his popularity is tanking – to the lowest it has been since being ‘elected,’ our angry creamsicle is growing more psychotic as the bubbles burst in his land of delusion and much more.

17 Great Things About Donald Trump Dumbing Down The Presidency article from Extra Newsfeed. –

A satirical look at what the U.S. presidency has become courtesy of our dimwitted dip shit, including the fact that morons now have a famous Orange mascot…

Trump Wants To Regulate Google After He Saw Some Fake News About Rigged Search Results article from PoliticusUSA. –

After watching his Ministry of Propaganda’s faux news report over a conspiracy theory that has already been repeatedly debunked, our Twitter tyrant decided to tweet about it to distract from his imminent implosion, and now thinks he’s going to regulate it since it’s ‘rigged:’

Trump Is Reportedly Very Jealous of All the Attention John McCain Is Getting Because He’s Dead article from Splinter News. –

Our gift that keeps on giving just loves showing us – almost on a daily basis – that he has serious mental deficiencies and is totally unfit to occupy the White House.

What? Me Deplorable? article from Counter Punch. –

How stupidity and malfeasance have become the political norm under America’s most corrupt-ever president*:

“In the Age of Trump, American politics has come to resemble a drearily formulaic, militantly lowbrow, cutthroat, reality TV show. As per the formula, each day’s news all but invites us to imagine a contest in which the most deplorable wins – gets to stay on the island, as it were, or to avoid being fired.

Trump would be a strong contender in his own right, though, if he were still only a sleazy, politically connected, wheeler-dealer flimflam man with bad taste, too much money, and a penchant for riding around in golf carts, nobody would pay him any mind. There are plenty more where he came from, and most of them are more interesting than he is.

But he is the president, and therefore cannot be ignored.

Indeed, so far from being ignored, corporate media can’t find time to talk about anything else. He came out on top in the electoral circus, and there is nothing to do now but deal with the consequences…”

The President Is a White-Nationalist Mob Boss – and His Base Doesn’t Care article from The Nation. –

As Donald’s despotic delusions of grandeur continue unraveling due to his profound corruption and stupidity, the minority of minions that support him will also unravel – and why it’s time to stop giving them both a microphone to dominate the news cycles.

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