Tag Archives: Mango Mussolini

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 268

Crazytown Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Yet another lie begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as his claims about the FBI telling the White House they didn’t want to investigate Kavanaugh’s sexual misconduct allegations are blatantly false – he doesn’t want the FBI to investigate his get out of jail free ‘Justice’ for obvious reasons, our Sociopathic 70-year-old toddler explains how wet water is as only his mentally deficient 4th grade level mind can, Benedict Donald’s obstructions of justice keep growing exponentially, learning how to recognize and deal with our Orwellian Orange Charlatan’s lies and deceptions will go a long way towards ending them, Trump backtracks on releasing information and further obstructing justice for fear of cementing impeachment once his GOP brown shirts lose control of Congress and so much more.

Trump Lied Again: The FBI Never Told Him or Anyone at the White House They Didn’t Want to Investigate Kavanaugh article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our dimwitted dip shit lied yet again to try and avoid the embarrassment of his get out of jail free ‘Justice’ being investigated for sexual misconduct for obvious reasons…

As the Trump Scandals Grow, Believe What You’re Seeing article from Slate. –

Benedict Donald keeps telling his moronic minions to disregard all the reports of his criminal actions because they’re ‘fake news,’ despite the obvious fact that they are indeed true as the bubbles in his land of delusion continue bursting.

Trump’s Lies About Russia Dossier Debunked Once Again article from Alternet. –

Our national embarrassment keeps trying to deflect and lie about his imminent implosion from his Russia scandal, but, as with everything else he does, is failing miserably.

Water, the American President Explained, Is Wet article from Esquire. –

Our Sociopathic 70-year-old toddler who speaks at a 4th grade level, is trying to make himself look less foolish after his Hurricane Maria response, but to no avail:

“Obviously, there are more pressing issues. For instance, the White House can ask the FBI to investigate Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations against Brett Kavanaugh before next week’s Senate hearing—as George H.W. Bush’s did into those made by Anita Hill in 1991—but the president has repeatedly lied, suggesting the FBI “doesn’t want to be involved.” He could just ask them to get involved. Republicans are also refusing to include Mark Judge, the other man allegedly in the room for the incident, in the hearing. The president is again attacking the attorney general for failing to serve as his personal lawyer, and said supposed corruption in the FBI is “truly a cancer on our country” as the agency investigates him and his associates.

But even with all that this Wednesday morning, we have to ask: can’t the president just occasionally stick to the script?

“This is a tough hurricane, one of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water.” He added: “It certainly is not good.”…”

Trump’s most trusted national security adviser? Himself. article from CNN News. –

The fact that our nefarious narcissist doesn’t listen to anyone else or pay attention to facts and truth speaks volumes as to how ignorant and corrupt he truly is – and why it’ll be amazing if he actually finishes his first term.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 256

Democrats’ fault Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Being blissfully unaware that some of his instructions are ignored begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as his ignorant boasts of ‘strong leadership’ make him appear all the more pitiful, our Manchurian Orange maggot’s despotic delusions of grandeur are on full display with all the lies and propaganda he spews at his rallies in an attempt to build a cult-like following while thinking he’s a Supreme leader, our demented delinquent admitted that he’s trying to destroy Obamacare – which, like everything else he does, is illegal, the perils of Trump’s ineptitude, the reason Trump’s GOP Gestapo refuses to hold him accountable for his actions and crimes, White House election probe reveals that Trump lied about widespread voter fraud after he lost the popular vote bigly, Trump’s Twitter tirades are coming more frequently as he realizes that Mueller is coming for his profoundly corrupt ass and there isn’t a thing he can do to stop it and lots more.

Trump may bark orders, but US officials sometimes ignore them article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Our feckless fuhrer loves boasting about ‘strong leadership’ but many of his orders are ignored, which makes him and his boasts look even more pitiful.

Trump and the Possibility of Authoritarian Rule in the US article from BuzzFlash. –

The constant lies and distractions from our Manchurian Orange maggot are designed to instill a cult-like culture for the minority that ‘elected’ him in hopes of initiating his despotic delusions of grandeur and elevating himself to authoritarian status – though it won’t work because the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him won’t tolerate it.

‘He’s Scamming His Supporters’: Paul Krugman Calls the Media ‘Complicit’ in Trump’s Biggest Lie article from Alternet. –

Total Fraud Trump from Pinterest

Despite the fact that his economic policies only enrich him and his fraudulent family and friends, America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* moronic mini me’s actually believe he’s helping them.

Trump’s Tweets and the Creation of ‘Illusory Truth’ article from The Atlantic. –

Our Liar and Thief keeps repeating lies about a ‘witch hunt’ and ‘no collusion’ hoping that if he repeats if often enough and keeps the lies coming people will believe it – but the majority won’t:

“As Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election has heated up, so too have Donald Trump’s Twitter fingers. The president is fond of repeating certain disparaging phrases about Mueller’s investigation on the social media platform, repeatedly referring to it as a “hoax” and a “scam.” But his favorite moniker by far is “Witch Hunt”—embellished, in recent weeks, to “Rigged Witch Hunt”—which Trump has used a whopping 84 times this year alone in reference to Mueller’s investigation.

This repeated public condemnation is almost certainly having a psychological effect on how Americans view the investigation. Multiple studies have shown that when something is repeated often enough, people start to think of it as true, whether it actually is—a concept known as illusory truth. “When a statement is repeated, it starts to feel more familiar,” said Keith Payne, a psychology and neuroscience professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “That feeling of familiarity is easily interpreted as the feeling of truth.” Payne is the co-author of a study that found that even when people know a claim is false, just a few repetitions can make them more likely to think it’s true.

Trump’s consistent tweeting—and the constant media coverage of those tweets—makes his favorite phrases familiar to the American public. And that familiarity could be key to making his claims seem plausible, even believable. By consistently referring to the investigation as a “hoax” and a “witch hunt,” Trump is framing the debate on his terms.

“If you start arguing about whether something is or isn’t a witch hunt, you’ve basically conceded that it’s plausible that it’s a witch hunt, or that that’s the right term to use,” says Tom Stafford, a cognitive scientist at the University of Sheffield in Britain. So when Trump says, over and over, that the Mueller investigation is a “rigged witch hunt,” people subconsciously begin to think the idea that it is a witch hunt could be plausible—even when there’s no evidence to substantiate that claim…”


All the constant lies about witch hunts, no collusion, it’s all a hoax, the fake war with the media calling him out on his lies and treachery and ever present distractions committed by our dystopian dotard are useless when his stupid ass admits that there was indeed collusion…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 236

Trump & Tyrants discredit media from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The growing signs of his deteriorating mental deficiencies begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president*, as evidenced this time by the delusional press conference he held while making America look foolish during his G-7 Summit in Canada as once again his despotic delusions of grandeur took center stage, our fake president’s* war on fake news continues, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s endless lies are making it necessary to start making truth-telling great again, still trying to help his Russian idol – Putin – for helping him ‘win’ the election despite all the ongoing investigations, alienating key allies while cozying up to China, North Korea and Russia is making our lackluster lame duck president* look like even more of a traitor, our Mango Mussolini’s desperate attempt to turn the North Korea Summit – his orchestrated political theater stunt designed to try and save his failing presidency – into a political victory is proving entertaining, how Trump keeps conning the media and the U.S. and getting away with it and much more.

Trump’s Bizarre G7 Press Conference Is Evidence That His Mental Health Is In Rapid Decline article from PoliticusUSA. –

Signs of our dimwitted dip shit’s deteriorating mental deficiencies happen on a daily basis, especially when he has his meltdowns over his imminent demise as his infinite corruption continues swallowing his failed presidency.

The Latest: Trump defends bashing press as ‘fake news’ article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

Our fake president* continues his fake war on news every chance he gets to create distractions that are supposed to deflect from his endless corruption and ignorance which only works on his moronic miscreants that support him.

The value of an obnoxious president article from The Week. –

Having America’s most corrupt-ever president* in charge is proving disastrous for this country and his failed presidency.

One Magnificent Photo Sums Up Donald Trump’s G-7 Visit article from The Huffington Post. –

All the bluster and bloviation by our Twitter tyrant aimed at U.S. allies, minorities, his multitude of corruption investigations – some of which he’s admitted to – his moronic Tariff War and so much more have done a marvelous job of alienating America and making us look foolish:

Merkel’s Trump G-7 pic from PoliticusUSA

“Perhaps no other photo is in more need of a thorough caption than the one released Saturday by the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel from the Group of Seven’s annual meeting in Quebec.

Tense and confrontational, it appears to sum up President Donald Trump’s entire trip, which highlighted divisions among the global powers.

The image dramatically depicts the German leader in an assertive pose, planting both hands firmly on a crisp tablecloth as she addresses President Donald Trump, who is seated before her with his arms crossed wearing a dispassionate expression.

Beside Trump is his national security adviser, John Bolton, apparently speaking above the locked eyes of the U.S. and German leaders. A seemingly unimpressed Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gazes at the group…”

Trump falsely accuses Obama admin of ‘totally illegal’ move article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Our Liar and Thief routinely lies about his predecessor to try and deflect from his own corrupt actions and agendas.

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