Tag Archives: Trump’s Farcical Space Force

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 267

Trump is from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with his tweeting his most recent conspiracy theory about the Puerto Rico hurricane death toll – sinking to yet another new low as he desperately tries to save his fraudulent failed presidency, our national embarrassment’s Russia scandal is about to get worse, a look at what comes next once our treasonous president* is out of office, taking his profound corruption and ignorance to new lows on a routine basis isn’t doing our Dystopian Orange dumb ass any favors, proving yet again that he is mentally unfit and incapable of occupying the White House as his scandals continue pulling him further down the drain and lots more.

In unhinged tweets, Trump claims Democrats rigged hurricane death toll in Puerto Rico article from ThinkProgress. –

Now our Twitter tyrant is fabricating a conspiracy theory claiming that Democrats and Puerto Rico lied about the number of deaths, taking his profound ignorance to yet another new low.

Trump concocts onspiracy theory to explain Puerto Rico death toll article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

More on our gift that keeps on giving’s latest conspiracy theory – which is obviously false – to distract from his failure in the Puerto Rico Hurricane and incompetence that cost almost 3,000 people their lives.

Donald trump’s absolutely mind-boggling assault on facts is actually picking up steam article from CNN. –

Our Lord of the Lies has serious issues about being unable to tell the truth and it just keeps getting worse.

White House Blames The Liberal Media For Trump’s Disgusting Puerto Rico Lie article from PoliticusUSA. –

One – of many – serious fatal flaws our Sociopathic 70-year-old toddler has is that regardless of how totally corrupt and stupid he is, it’s always someone else’s fault:

“Instead of walking back Donald Trump‘s disgusting comments on Thursday that called the Puerto Rico casualty count fake news, the White House doubled down.

In a baffling statement to CNN, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said Trump‘s lie from earlier in the day was a response to the “liberal media and the San Juan Mayor who sadly have tried to exploit the devastation by pushing out a constant stream of misinformation and false accusations.”

The full statement via CNN‘s Kaitlan Collins:

Manafort agrees to deal cooperating with Mueller article from ThinkProgress. –

Our treasonous national embarrassment’s Russia scandal is about to get much worse – as are his Twitter tirades, lies, delusions and meltdowns.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 259

Trump Hitler comparison from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with how the cesspool of corruption he created despite his lies of draining the swamp have hastened his imminent downfall and failed presidency, our fraudulent feckless fuhrer added one more impeachable offense to his growing list of crimes he’s already committed, the pressure from his ongoing Russia scandal is adversely affecting Comrade Cheetolini and it’s making him appear even more guilty as he keeps digging himself a deeper hole he can’t slither out of, our fake president* is losing his war on fake news and he can’t handle it, all the personal attacks on his enemies reveals our angry Orange creamsicle’s despotic delusions of grandeur on full display and Mueller is taking notice and so much more.

Swamp Thing: Donald Trump Is ‘Boss Tweet’ of the DC Ooze article from BuzzFlash. –

America’s most corrupt-ever president* lied when he promised to drain the swamp and has in fact turned it into quite the cesspool of corruption.

Thanks to their NDAs, Trump officials have no credibility. These clips prove it. article from ThinkProgress. –

Not that they ever had any credibility to begin with, and since the NDAs are illegal and non-binding, it makes our dimwitted dip shit and the miscreants he calls his administration even more illegitimate.

Rachel Maddow Just Nailed Trump For Committing Another Impeachable Offense article from PoliticusUSA. –

With all the crimes our fraudulent feckless fuhrer has already committed, there’s not much harm or shame in adding one more:

Tom Arnold insists the ‘N-word’ tape exists – and Trump and his former ‘Apprentice’ producer are terrified article from The Raw Story. –

You can rest assured that there is plenty of proof on tape the our Liar and Thief is blatantly racist, the only question is how bad it will affect him:

“Actor and comedian Tom Arnold said Wednesday that he knows with certainty that a tape exists of Donald Trump saying the N-word, as well as other horrible things.

In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Arnold said that he has known Trump for 30 years and that the president was always begging him to do “The Apprentice.”

“It is such a crappy show that I wouldn’t do it,” Arnold said. “Like, that is for real. That says a lot. Because I do everything.”

When it came to the infamous N-word tape, Arnold said that he has seen it and knows the people who have it…”

This if Fake News Trump from Pinterest

Trump Draws a Direct Connection to the Russia Investigation and His Punishment of Brennan article from PoliticusUSA. –

The beauty of having such an ignorant Twitter tyrant who doesn’t think before he tweets is that his true intentions inevitably end up being revealed when he slips up and admits to committing some of his crimes…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 243

Scrotus from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with recognition of how this has been the best week for him – his corrupt Supreme Court gave him the green light to implement his illegal Muslim Ban and also dealt several blows to unions – and the worst week for America, there appears to be some special relationship between our retiring Supreme Court ‘Justice’s’ son and the Trump family which may explain why he suddenly decided to retire – raising many more questions which will open a larger can of worms for America’s most corrupt-ever president*, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator would be a lot more dangerous were it not for the fact that he’s too much of a moron to be effectively authoritarian, our lackluster lame duck Liar-in-Chief isn’t even trying to cover up his lies any more and so much more.

This Has Been The Best Week For Trump But The Worst Week For America article from The Huffington Post. –

How a thoroughly corrupt, politicized ‘Supreme’ Court gave our national embarrassment the green light to implement his illegal Muslim Ban and purposely destroyed unions to benefit fraudulent corporations that own them, proving that the rule of law no longer exists and it’s up to us to change things.

Michael Cohen now popular in New York as friends and strangers encourage him to become ‘hero’ that saves America from Trump: report article from The Raw Story. –

Since it’s obvious that our feckless fuhrer’s gestapo and the so-called ‘Supreme Court’ won’t stop him, some are looking for his ex-lawyer to save this country and flip on Trump.

Inside the White House’s Quiet Campaign to Create a Supreme Court Opening article from The New York Times. –

It appears that ‘Justice’ Kennedy is retiring in collusion with creating a vacancy, due in part to the fact that his son helped America’s most corrupt-ever president* and his son financially – there is something very wrong with this picture if that is true…

Loans of over $1 Billion to Trump by SCOTUS justice Kennedy’s son, but nothing to see here… article from The Daily Kos. –

More on the sudden resignation of a ‘Justice’ with ties to Trump and his fraudulent offspring:

“Anthony Kennedy’s son works for Deutschbank and has loaned Trump over $1 billion in real estate loans.

….when he was a real estate developer, according to two people with knowledge of his role.

During Mr. Kennedy’™s tenure, Deutsche Bank became Mr. Trump’s most important lender, dispensing well over $1 billion in loans to him…

Mr. Crowbot (@creedence_tapes) June 29, 2018

But as we have seen there’s no collusion, not even Russian collusion in the Trump regime…”

The Lost City of Trump article from Politico. –

Our dimwitted dip shit actually thought he was going to build a city that the world would remember him by, but like everything else he touches, he failed.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 239

Record setting Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with his getting angry because terrorizing immigrants, separating families and trying to blackmail Democrats to build his moronic border wall isn’t working, Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are now on full display in the White House where he took photos of the French president down and replaced them with framed photos of North Korea’s dictator, more on the devastation of Trump’s zero-tolerance terrorism against immigrants at the U.S. border, apparently having a militarized Space Force for God knows what is okay in our delusional despot’s pea brain but taking care of his subjects is unacceptable, our feckless fuhrer’s delusions of being above the law are about to spoil his alternate reality, Trump’s largest fraudulent donors are profiting off his criminal immigrant policies and much more.

Trump whines that Democrats aren’t paying ransom after he took immigrant kids hostage article from The Raw Story. –

Terrorizing immigrant children while separating families and trying to blackmail Democrats into funding his border wall isn’t working out so well for our dimwitted dip shit and he’s not happy about it.

Is Trump Heading Back to ‘Fire and Fury’ With Kim? article from The Daily Beast. –

Now that the joke that was Trump’s farcical ‘historic summit’ with Kim is starting to implode since North Korea won’t get rid of his nuclear arsenal, it’s only a matter of time before our nefarious narcissist reverts back to his Twitter tirades against North Korea…

Trump tells ridiculous lie about German crime to argue against taking in asylum-seekers article from Think Progress. –

The lies and deceptions from our Lord of the lies about everything are coming fast and furious and it’s going to end up burying his ignorant ass when it backfires.

MSNBC Destroys Trump While He Is Talking With Fact Check Of His Blame Democrats Immigration Lie article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our Liar and Thief is imploding because he can’t get anyone to believe his lies about separating children at the border:

“MSNBC destroyed Trump’s lie that his policy of child separation at the border was the fault of Democrats with an immediate fact check while Trump was still talking.


While Trump was still talking Andrea Mitchell cut in and said, “Let’s do a quick fact check. It is not the Democrats, it’s not congress. This is an enforcement action which the Obama and Bush White Houses rejected as being too harsh and unnecessary, what they were calling a nuclear option, and it is something that Lindsay Graham and others who support the president who say he could change with a phone call. But again, using it against the Democrats and as Bill Kristol was just saying, doubling down on it as a midterm election strategy.”…”

Trump replaces White House photos of French president with framed pictures of Kim Jong-un article from The Raw Story. –

Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are on full display as he frames pictures of North Korea’s dictator – probably for inspiration to fuel the fires in his land of delusion:

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