Tag Archives: Trump’s Muslim Ban

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 243

Scrotus from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with recognition of how this has been the best week for him – his corrupt Supreme Court gave him the green light to implement his illegal Muslim Ban and also dealt several blows to unions – and the worst week for America, there appears to be some special relationship between our retiring Supreme Court ‘Justice’s’ son and the Trump family which may explain why he suddenly decided to retire – raising many more questions which will open a larger can of worms for America’s most corrupt-ever president*, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator would be a lot more dangerous were it not for the fact that he’s too much of a moron to be effectively authoritarian, our lackluster lame duck Liar-in-Chief isn’t even trying to cover up his lies any more and so much more.

This Has Been The Best Week For Trump But The Worst Week For America article from The Huffington Post. –

How a thoroughly corrupt, politicized ‘Supreme’ Court gave our national embarrassment the green light to implement his illegal Muslim Ban and purposely destroyed unions to benefit fraudulent corporations that own them, proving that the rule of law no longer exists and it’s up to us to change things.

Michael Cohen now popular in New York as friends and strangers encourage him to become ‘hero’ that saves America from Trump: report article from The Raw Story. –

Since it’s obvious that our feckless fuhrer’s gestapo and the so-called ‘Supreme Court’ won’t stop him, some are looking for his ex-lawyer to save this country and flip on Trump.

Inside the White House’s Quiet Campaign to Create a Supreme Court Opening article from The New York Times. –

It appears that ‘Justice’ Kennedy is retiring in collusion with creating a vacancy, due in part to the fact that his son helped America’s most corrupt-ever president* and his son financially – there is something very wrong with this picture if that is true…

Loans of over $1 Billion to Trump by SCOTUS justice Kennedy’s son, but nothing to see here… article from The Daily Kos. –

More on the sudden resignation of a ‘Justice’ with ties to Trump and his fraudulent offspring:

“Anthony Kennedy’s son works for Deutschbank and has loaned Trump over $1 billion in real estate loans.

….when he was a real estate developer, according to two people with knowledge of his role.

During Mr. Kennedy’™s tenure, Deutsche Bank became Mr. Trump’s most important lender, dispensing well over $1 billion in loans to him…

Mr. Crowbot (@creedence_tapes) June 29, 2018

But as we have seen there’s no collusion, not even Russian collusion in the Trump regime…”

The Lost City of Trump article from Politico. –

Our dimwitted dip shit actually thought he was going to build a city that the world would remember him by, but like everything else he touches, he failed.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 242

The Apprentice from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The fact that it’s time to start recognizing him for what he is and calling it criminal begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as he lashes out at people picking on his Gestapo personnel in public places because of his crimes and terrorism against migrant children and families, why it’s time for a long hard look at the reason U.S. trust in their government is virtually non-existent, why it’s important to give our feckless fuhrer and his illegitimate Gestapo a taste of their own medicine for supporting terrorism of migrant children and all the other massive crimes he keeps committing, our illegitimate president’s* Russia scandal is about to get a lot more interesting, Trump’s totalitarian tendencies are pissing a lot of people off, with the Courts and Institutions failing us by enabling the corruption of our mendacious Mango Mussolini it has become glaringly evident that stopping it is up to us and so much more.

This Is Just the Beginning article from Splinter News. –

When people like our demented delinquent who wield great power – albeit illegitimately – get a taste of what having great power wielded against them feels like, especially when it’s because of the crimes against humanity they’ve committed, including terrorizing migrant children, they have absolutely no ground to stand on and complain about it.

The Orange Elephant in the Room article from Medium. –

Why it’s time for a long hard look at the reason U.S. trust in their government is virtually non-existent, our national embarrassment and those that support him and do something about it.

Donald Trump is the most un-American president in living memory article from The Guardian. –

How our dimwitted dip shit has surrendered U.S. values with his words, thoughts and actions on immigration by terrorizing children and destroying families.

A Short List of Giant Failures Brought to America by Donald Trump article from Alternet. –

The lies by America’s worst-ever president* about how he alone can fix things are becoming painfully evident:

“The core concept that Donald Trump sold to his supporters was this: I alone. As in “I alone can do it.” Trump campaigned on the idea that any effort to conduct nuanced and detailed policy made for a “weak” position. Instead, everything should be trusted to Trump. Because, as stated by Trump and cataloged by the Washington Post, Trump knows more about just about everything than “anyone else on Earth” including trade, infrastructure, defense, immigration, and the economy. What better thing to do than anoint the guy who knows more about war than the generals and more about science than the scientists and more about money than the bankers to solve all America’s issues?

Trump has maintained this position since taking office, insisting that he doesn’t need to prepare for meetings, or delve into details of policies. All that matters is the “one-on-one” of his relationships with other leaders and those big, simple themes. That, and his “very good genes.”

So … why is it all going so badly? Here’s a very short list of some very large things that are going very wrong under Donald Trump.

There’s no other area in which Trump’s destructive, selfish, and stubbornly unprepared actions have brought on disaster like the area of foreign policy. By insisting that everything can be handled in the same way as he might negotiate the sale of a condo, Trump has wrecked relationships between the United States and our closest, most consistent allies. His ugly treatment of both Canada and the U.K., and his eager embrace of dictators from China, Russia, and North Korea show clearly that Trump will take a murderous autocrat who flatters him ahead of a democratic leader who tries to correct Trump’s misconceptions…”

There’s Nothing Wrong With Treating an Asshole Like an Asshole article from The Root. –

Why it’s important to give our feckless fuhrer and his illegitimate Gestapo a taste of their own medicine for supporting his terrorism of migrant children and all the other massive crimes he keeps committing.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 130

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Our misadventures begin today with America’s image plunging to new lows under our illegitimate, minority-elect President, Trump’s last false claims – devoid of evidence as usual – of a Syrian gas attack take center stage as the Trump cabal appears to be preparing yet another false flag Syrian chemical weapons attack as a prelude for committing more war crimes and ignorant attempts at regime change, quoting Trump as an anonymous source explains why the National Enquirer is joining his ministry of propaganda to spread his lies, our Blackmailer-in-Chief is threatening to force poor people into a lose-lose situation if his fraudulent ‘healthcare’ tax giveaway isn’t passed, our national embarrassment’s White House has no credibility – nationally or internationally, the growing list of arguments to use in case you ever get into a squabble with a Trump voter, in a little over 5 months Trump has told more than 337 lies and a lot more.

Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows article from AOL News. –

America’s image has deteriorated greatly under our Loser-in-Chief’s lackluster leadership.

Return of the Inauguration Crowd Size Matter article from Roll Call. –

Despite our Liar-in-Chief’s dubious claims, no evidence that photographs were altered was produced.

Seymour Hersh Casts Doubt on Reported Syrian Gas Attack article from AlterNet. –

On Trump’s Syrian false flag chemical weapons attack in April and what really happened.

White House warns Assad may be preparing chemical weapons attack article from The New York Post. –

Here we go again: Prepare for another false flag Syrian chemical gas attack as justification for committing more war crimes and attempts to overthrow the regime there continue:

“The White House accused the Syrian government Monday of preparing for another chemical attack against their own people — and threatened a “heavy price” if they went through with an atrocity.

A statement from the office of the press secretary said that the purported attack could lead to the “mass murder of civilians” and warned Syrian president Bashar al Assad he would be consequences.

“The United States had identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime,” the statement read. “The activities are similar to preparations the regime made before its April 4, 2017.”

The White House added that the main goal of US forces in the region are to eliminate ISIS from their Syrian strongholds…”

Trump’s Favorable Ratings Abroad Are Even Worse Than at Home article from Mother Jones. –

Our national embarrassment we call a president has done a great job of making America look foolish abroad.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 124

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect president begin with him being very upset that he’s being investigated for obstruction of justice, our incompetent leader was a lousy business man and he’s an even lousier president, our profoundly corrupt and ignorant wannabe dictator is causing yuge problems for the GOP, we’ll soon see the fate of Trump’s Muslim Ban, another loser Trump nominated for a cabinet position goes down in flames, our illegitimate Loser-in-Chief doing his damnedest to deflect attention from his imminent implosion with more Twitter tantrums, the case for impeaching our incorrigibly inept leader – and why he’s such a failure, Trump and the GOP have no mandate and much more.

Trump lashes out after report says he’s being investigated for possible obstruction of justice article from Yahoo! News. –

After all his chicanery it’s hard to believe he didn’t know what was coming…

The Russia investigation is now inside the Oval Office article from CNN. –

More on the widening scope of the investigation into Trump and his ilks Russia scandal.

A Pattern In Trump’s Policy Pitches: Paltry Particulars article from NPR. –

It’s simple: Trump was a lousy business man and he’s an even lousier president that has no mandate…

The unpopular Trump is shrinking the GOP article from The Washington Post. –

It’s getting to the point where the GOP is going to pay a huge price for our dimwitted dip shit’s corruption and ignorance:

“President Trump has two problems. First, public disapproval of the president and a lack of confidence in him are skyrocketing. Second, Republicans’ solace that “at least the GOP is with him” may be misguided.

As for the overall numbers, his disapproval rating hit a new high of 60 percent in the Gallup poll. In the latest Politico-Morning Consult poll, 53 percent of voters think former FBI director James B. Comey is very or somewhat honest. By a margin of 45 percent to 32 percent, voters pick Comey over Trump when it comes to honesty. A strong plurality of voters think Trump fired Comey over the Russia investigation, not due to concerns about his performance (47 percent to 36 percent).

By a large majority, voters disfavor his signature bill, the American Health Care Act (which now he concedes is “mean”!). Big tax cuts for the rich, the heart of his tax plan, are unpopular as well. In short, even if Trump could get back to his agenda, it is not going to find favor with the voters.

As for GOP support, let’s keep in mind a few things. First, he’s a minority president who got only 46.1 percent of the vote. He cannot afford to lose voters; he needs to gain support from independents and even Democrats. Second, the Virginia gubernatorial primary results and generic congressional polling show that Democrats have a decisive advantage when it comes to enthusiasm and engagement. Third, we have the Virginia gubernatorial primary results and in a week we will have the results of Georgia’s 6th Congressional District special election to test the proposition that as the GOP becomes the Party of Trump, it becomes less attractive to a mass of voters who have traditionally considered themselves to be Republicans. A shrunken GOP means losses in 2018, the potential for the House to flip to Democratic control and proceed to impeachment, and the emergence of either a primary challenger to Trump, a third-party movement or an enlarged Democratic Party with GOP defectors…”

In Russia probe, Trump wants executive privilege – but without invoking it article from USA Today. –

Life is hell when you run a Democracy instead of a dictatorship…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 121

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s sordid history of lying under oath begins today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect President, Trump’s legislative agenda imploding because of his scandals and the fact that he has no mandate, more on the damage done by our impotent leader’s tenure and why it’s time for him to go, our Loser-in-Chief invites cabinet members to praise him during meeting, more on Trump’s infrastructure privatization scam, one thing to remember about Trump is that the only thing he loves more than himself is his businesses – and he’s not going to give them up just because he’s the president, Trump’s Muslim Ban gets shot down in court again, Trump’s approval ratings plummeting after his lies and twitter tantrums over Comey and much more.

If Trump testifies under oath, any lies would be perjury. Does he know that? article from The Guardian. –

More on the fact that Trump has a history of lying under oath and testifying about the Russia scandal would not change that.

Legislative Agenda Gets Tougher for Trump article from Roll Call. –

Our lackluster Loser-in-Chief has no mandate so he will have a hard time pushing his fraudulent agenda.

Trump Has Created a Political Landscape So Much Stranger Than Most of Us Are Willing to Admit article from AlterNet. –

On the dystopian dipshittery created by Trump’s conflicts of interest, dishonesty, torture, Corporatocracy, Russian connections and more.

Russia cloud settles in over Trump’s White House article from CNN. –

On Trump’s ongoing Russia scandal and the damage being done:

“Washington (CNN)The Russia “cloud” is growing over President Donald Trump and threatening to wreck another week for the embattled White House as one of his closest allies tries to avoid a public spectacle on Capitol Hill.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ announcement that he would testify before Senate Russia investigators caught everyone — including the intelligence committee — by surprise. Now, before he even testifies, the focus is both on Sessions and whether or not he would appear before the TV cameras like former FBI Director James Comey did last week, when 19.5 million Americans watched.

Trump team has struggled to move the focus away from Russia.

The White House is hoping this week to drive a message focused on his agenda. His daughter and top adviser, Ivanka Trump, is leading events focused on workforce development and college affordability…”

My Lawyers Got Trump to Admit 30 Lies Under Oath article from Bloomberg. –

More on Trump’s history of lying under oath.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 115

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Questions about Trump’s mental stability start today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect President, four top law firms denied Trump’s request to represent him, on the importance of countering our dimwitted dip shit’s lies with truth, Trump’s privatization scam dressed up as an infrastructure plan, the Trump cabal’s bogus jobs claims – the usual lies from the usual players, the many disadvantages of working for our perfidious Ignoramus-in-Chief, Trump – and his Twitter ignorance – is his own worst enemy, doing his damnedest to criminalize protesting his duplicitous dereliction, more on Trump’s out-of-control derangement syndrome and more.

Is Trump OK? President’s Mental Stability a ‘Serious Problem,’ Conservatives Say article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –

Trump’s mental stability has been a ‘serious problem’ for some time and now they’re worried about it?

Trump’s Twitter attacks on Sadiq Khan reveal how pitiful the president is article from The Guardian. –

Yet another revelation of how pitiful our president is.

Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump article from Yahoo! News. –

Concerns that Trump and his ilk would not listen to them – compounded by Trump’s twittering ignorance – made their decision easy.

Opinion: Truth the Pill for Trump’s Dysfunction article from Roll Call. –

On countering our dimwitted dip shit’s mendacity and meanness with truth:

“The Associated Press, the nation’s leading and most respected wire service, has always erred on the side of caution. Buried deep in the AP’s DNA is the hazy memory that its leading competitor, the United Press, stained its credibility for decades by prematurely announcing the end of World War I.

But never in the following century did the Associated Press write anything this blunt about any American elected leader: “President Donald Trump can’t be counted on to give accurate information to Americans when violent acts are unfolding abroad.”

That lede on a Monday “AP Fact Check” article by Calvin Woodward and Jim Drinkard actually understated the president’s duplicitous fearmongering in response to Saturday night’s terrorist attack in London.

Take the most vicious presidential statement on Saturday night delivered through Twitter: “At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is ‘no need to be alarmed!’” Trump’s snide tweet about London Mayor Sadiq Khan took his remarks wildly out of context (he was referring to the massive police deployment as nonalarming)…”

Trump’s populist wing on the rise article from CNN. –

Trump’s right-wing whack jobs in the White House aren’t doing him any favors…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 113

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our minority-elect President begins with the betrayal of the morons that were foolish enough to vote for him and the rude awakening they are having, twisting the truth about the London attacks to advance his draconian agenda, more on our impotent leader’s fueling terrorism and far-right hatred, how our Liar-in-Chief’s actions always speak louder than his lies, on why Trump’s scandals are dangerous because they serve as a distraction, how our lackluster leader can still try and obstruct justice in his growing Russia scandal, Trump’s preoccupation with being laughed at, in one of his tweets Trump admits his Muslim ban is a ban while embracing terrorism to foment fear and justify it, proving yet again that he’ll never be presidential, learning how to identify misinformation in our modern Trump era and a lot more.

The Great Betrayal of Middle America article from The Daily Beast. –

Those that were foolish enough to vote for our illegitimate, minority-elect President are having a rude awakening.

Thousands Protest Across Country to Demand Truth From Trump Administration article from Slate. –

Protesters will have to keep marching since the Trump cabal isn’t capable of telling the truth, only lying repeatedly about everything.

London Bridge terror attack: Donald Trump tweets unconfirmed reports about London attack before using it to promote his travel ban article from The Independent UK. –

Twisting the truth as usual to fit his draconian agenda is normal in Trump’s land of delusion.

Donald Trump has unleashed a white crime wave article from Business Insider. –

On how Trump is fueling right-wing hatred and encouraging terrorism:

“Last week, in Portland, Oregon, a man with a history of white supremacist rhetoric allegedly killed two men and injured one other who had tried to stop his harassment of two young women—one black, the other wearing a hijab.

A week earlier, in College Park, Maryland, another young man—active in white supremacist Facebook groups— killed a black college student after confronting him on the street, according to police. In March, a white supremacist reportedly traveled from Baltimore to New York City with the express purpose of killing a black man, which he did, before turning himself into police. Earlier that month , a Sikh man was shot and injured in front of his house in a Seattle suburb.

His alleged attacker reportedly shouted “go back to your country.” Days earlier, in Kansas, authorities described how a man walked into a bar and shot three men , including two immigrants from India, after shouting “get out of my country” and yelling racial slurs. One of the Indian men, Srinivas Kuchibhotla, died of his wounds. More recently, a California man was alleged to have stabbed a black man with a machete after yelling racial slurs—he’s facing charges—and a Native American man was run down and killed by an assailant who allegedly shouted racial slurs.

These events are not isolated. They represent a growing tide of intolerance in the United States, fanned by the presidential election and embodied by the sitting president. At the same time, they—and the larger forces they represent—aren’t novel. The rise of racist reaction in politics almost always brings a similar rise of racist violence in civil society. For as much as the current period feels new, we are living through an old, and very American, cycle of behavior…”

Donald Trump’s Biggest GOP Critics Are Very, Very, Very Sad article from The Huffington Post. –

GOP leaders – including Trump’s brown shirts in Congress – are very disappointed with their impotent leader.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 103

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

White House tries to make Trump look good on his first dumbed-down foreign trip – despite the obvious, more evidence that there are still a lot of stupid people in this country, making friends – or a fool out of himself, depending on how you look at it – at NATO, Federal Appeals Court upholds the block on Trump’s Muslim ban, Trump can’t be trusted to keep any secrets – for obvious reasons, Trump’s Syrian war crimes piling up as his administrations illegally kills record number of civilians, Trump’s idiotic delinquent actions as he implodes over what is now a criminal investigation are going to be his downfall and more.

White House Middle East Victory Lap Draws Skepticism article from Roll Call. –

Because bragging about Trump’s first majorly dumbed-down Middle Eastern trip makes our impotent leader feel important.

Is this real life? Or is this a cabaret of the Von Trump family on tour? article from The Guardian. –

More on the joke that is our national embarrassment’s first foreign trip.

Montana Candidate Gianforte Cited for Misdemeanor Assault article from Roll Call. –

Another moronic GOP candidate with perfect qualifications to aid and abet the Trump cabal.

Why – and How – Is Trump’s Base Still Loyal to a Guy Who Is a Proven Disaster? article from AlterNet. –

Trump’s minions reveal yet more evidence that there are a lot of stupid people in this country:

“Trump supporters haven’t been swayed by empathy or appeals to logic.

After all the lies, contradictions, hypocrisy, flip-flops, gaffes, unforced errors, self-pity, insults, provocations, threats, bullying, betrayals, disappointments, scapegoating, exploitation, nepotism, and corruption, why is Donald Trump still beloved by 35 percent of the country?

The most popular theory in the mainstream media is that Trumpists think Trump will bring jobs back. The hypothesis here is that their support for Trump derives entirely from economic anxiety over globalization, loss of manufacturing, the supposed failures of Obamacare, wage stagnation, income inequality, trade deficits, and soaring national debt. But economic angst does not really explain Trumpists’ unwavering devotion to Trump, whose cabinet appointments, executive orders and legislative proposals generally do not help or even pretend to help them.

Nor is the economic angst theory borne out by the evidence. As policy analyst Sean McElwee and Prof. Jason McDaniel recently wrote in The Nation, an analysis of “the comprehensive American National Election Studies pre- and post-election survey of over 4,000 respondents … [yielded] little evidence to suggest individual economic distress benefited Trump” in the 2016 election. And even though all the economic data indicate both that the unemployment rate is consistently below 5 percent and that immigrants help to improve the economy, Trumpists are determined to believe just the opposite…”

Russia looms over Trump’s meetings with European leaders article from Politico. –

It seems Trump allegiance – and potential collusion – with Russia is pissing much of the world off.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 88

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey – who reportedly sought more funds for Russia probe before Trump fired him – could cause serious blow back, our illegitimate President’s latest attempts of overturning his Muslim Ban fails miserably – for obvious reasons – and tarnishes the lawyers that foolishly try to defend it, echoing Nixon during Watergate could fuel deeper probes into his Russia scandal, Trump lets anger over his Russia scandal get the best of him as his problems multiply, innocent people don’t normally act the way Trump is acting, Flynn subpoenaed by Senate Intel Committee, the bull shit spewed by our inept leader and his miscreantic administration is starting to be noticed for what it is – which a recent poll shows is turning into bad news for him, Reporter arrested for asking a corrupt Trump-appointee a question, a look back at 1967 offers insight into fighting back against Trump, some try – and will fail – to stop protests when they become so powerful and a lot more.

The Memo: Trump ignites firestorm article from The Hill. –

Trump appears to be echoing Nixon during Watergate again with his poorly-timed dismissal of his FBI Director, allegedly over Clinton’s emails, that could haunt him badly in his short-lived illegitimate Presidency.

Trump sent 4 tweets on the Sally Yates hearing. Not one of them was entirely accurate. article from CNN. –

Our twittering wannabe tyrant wonders why the majority that didn’t vote for him fondly refer to him as our lackluster Liar-in-Chief…

Trump Poisons His Own Laws article from Slate. –

All is not well in Trump’s land of delusion as his latest attempt of overturning his Muslim Ban fails miserably and taints those who foolishly try to defend it.

Trump’s firing of Comey seems ‘suicidal’ – but it could ‘energize’ the Russia probe article from Business Insider. –

Shades of Nixon redux:

“President Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey, who was leading an investigation into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election, would be viewed as “suicidal” in any other administration.

“In any normal administration, firing the director of the FBI during an investigation of the administration would be viewed as suicidal,” said Robert Deitz, a former top lawyer for the CIA and the National Security Agency who served under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

“This of course is not a normal administration,” he added. “But no matter what, this will create a firestorm that will disturb even Trump loyalists on the Hill.”

Most Democrats and a handful of Republicans were quick to condemn Trump’s decision to fire Comey, who was in the middle of investigating the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia when he was unexpectedly fired on Tuesday evening…”

Trump takes shot at Democrats, says they ‘play so sad!’ on Comey’s firing article from AOL News. –

What’s sad is that our Ignoramus-in-Chief actually believes he’s fooling anyone.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 87

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The Sally Yates hearing was not good news for our illegitimate minority-elect President, implausible deniability garners 5 Pinocchio’s for Trump’s Russian Scandal denial, more on the growing delusions and ignorance of Trump supporters, GOP deleting their health care promises, more fall out from Trump’s Russia scandal hearing coming, Trump’s breathtaking ignorance becoming more evident with each passing day, a new Nixonian plot twist in Trump’s Russia scandal as Trump fires Comey – at his illegitimate AG’s recommendation – which appears to have been in the works for a while, wondering what Trump is hiding by firing Comey, the one actual Nazi in Trump’s White House lies to a conference of the Jerusalem Post about being under attack because he’s Pro-Israel, new study clarifies how GOP voter suppression gave the state of Wisconsin to Trump and lots more.

Why the Sally Yates Hearing Was Very Bad News for the Trump White House article from Mother Jones. –

Trump’s Russia Scandal is about to bite him in the ass.

Trump: Russia collusion story ‘a total hoax’ article from The Hill. –

Trump Derangement Syndrome: Rated 5 Pinocchio’s for his latest fairy tale from the land of delusion.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse: Something is preventing Trump from reaching ‘obvious conclusions’ article from AOL News. –

Perhaps it’s his profound ignorance and corruption?

Trump Voters Are Willing to Be Conned as Long as He Deports Immigrants and Bombs the World article from AlterNet. –

More on the growing delusions and ignorance of Trump supporters:

“They’re able to overlook an astonishing amount of corruption.

If you were paying attention to what we learned about Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, then you know that the president of the United States was once the impresario of a student-swindling Trump University, the founder of a Trump Foundation designed for tax evasion and illegal self-dealing, and the chief executive of a Trump Organization that has long relied on various techniques of grifting, from rip-offs of workers and contractors to serial bankruptcies.

And if you know all that, then you cannot be surprised by the way that he and his family have conducted themselves during the first 100 days of his presidency, which is also the way they will behave until they leave or are removed from the White House. They have misused the office of the president to enrich themselves in ways that none of Trump’s predecessors, not even the most venal, could have imagined doing.

Nor can you be surprised that this grasping figure and his appointed cronies, notably Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, have floated a tax “reform” that will enrich the very wealthiest Americans by trillions of dollars, while decimating necessary government functions and depriving millions of working-class and low-income families of health care…”

The many paths from Trump to Russia article from CNN. –

That’s quite a trail of breadcrumbs Trump and his miscreants have to Russia.

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