Tag Archives: Trump’s Obstruction of Justice

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 342

Trump history from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our forever Impeached minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Getting the disease he’s been lying about and denying for the past six plus months begins today’s misadventures of our forever Impeached malevolent minority-elect president* as COVID – and Karma – finally caught up to his ignorantly corrupt ass, Donnie has a lot of deaths on his hands that he needs to be held accountable for, a look at the cesspool of crime and corruption that is Trump and his administration, Typhoid Hitler’s campaign is on life support and he’s not handling it well, Trump is melting down in real time as his ‘reelection’ campaign continues imploding and so much more.

The Coronavirus-Denier-In-Chief Proves His Strategy Doesn’t Work article from The Huff Post.

Denying and downplaying the Coronavirus has come roaring back and bitten Trump’s big Orange ass by making him sick and his staff is trying to hide it – karma is a mother you-know-what…

The future of the country hinges on Trump’s health – and we can’t trust he’s telling the truth article from Vox News.

Donnie’s criminal negligence during the whole Coronavirus Pandemic has resulted in over 220,000 U.S. deaths and from day one he has done nothing but lie repeatedly about everything, and now he’s about to pay the price in more ways than one:

With COVID Hitting the West Wing, What Happens When the President Is a Liar? article from Mother Jones.

The perfect example of what happens when reality and the delusional alternate reality of a pathological liar collide and this time the Donald won’t be able to handle it well because he will be the biggest loser.

‘Not a Tragic Accident – A Crime Scene’: Critics Say Trump Covid Diagnosis is a ‘Culminations’ of His Deadly Pandemic Response article from Common Dreams.

Why ‘We the People’ need to hope our diaper dictator recovers from the hoax he contracted – so he can be held accountable for the 220,000 plus deaths his ignorant corruption is responsible for:

“Contrary to the notion that the coronavirus “snuck up” on President Donald Trump just as it did far less powerful people across the U.S. and around the world, Trump’s announcement Friday that he tested positive for Covid-19 was—according to progressive critics—a direct and foreseeable consequence of the president’s months of lying, callous disregard for public health, and catastrophic mishandling of the federal government’s pandemic response.

In a tweet Friday morning, author and environmentalist Naomi Klein drew a striking analogy in an effort to place Trump’s diagnosis in the broader context of his administration’s failure to take the steps necessary to combat the pandemic—a failure that has resulted in more than 200,000 dead Americans and counting.

“Trump getting Covid is the epidemiological equivalent of a mass shooting where the shooter opens fire on a crowd and then turns the gun on himself,” Klein wrote. “Not a tragic accident—a crime scene.”

Klein repeated her argument in an interview on Democracy Now! and warned that the U.S. public must be “prepared for the president using the fact that he’s having to cancel campaign events for two weeks to try to further delegitimize elections.”…”

Donald Trump Is the ‘Single Largest Driver’ of COVID Misinformation, Study Says article from Vice News.

No shit, since all he does is lie pathologically and is personally responsible for the deaths of over 220,000 Americans from COVID-19, it’s not surprising that he is the largest source of COVID misinformation – he has A LOT of blood on his hands.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 315

Tried as an adult Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with more lies and gaslighting as his desperation to claim innocence over his crimes continues growing, Ukraine testimony reveals that Trump is indeed a Russian asset, the list of potentially impeachable offenses committed by Trump is quite lengthy and growing longer with each passing day, terrorizing immigrant children and their families is going to come back to haunt Donnie eventually, Trump was overheard talking to Ukraine about investigating Biden – shooting down his entire defense that he knew nothing about it, the GOP can’t abandon Trump now because they’re all guilty, Donald just keeps digging himself a deeper hole that he’ll never be able to slither out of and so much more.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 146th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

A look back at the most recent week of Trump’s failed presidency as lies and gaslighting prevail in his desperate attempt to claim innocence over his crimes.

The president has already confessed to his crimes article from The Week.

Why prosecuting Donnie is so simple – because he’s profoundly corrupt and stupid and he makes it entirely too easy:

Trump struggles to keep his story straight on impeachment hearings article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

The problem with incessantly lying like the Don does is that it’s impossible to keep your fairy tales straight and eventually they exact a massive toll.

Trump faces ‘lock him up’ chants and ‘impeach’ signs as he delivers Veterans Day speech in New York article from Alternet.

Donald’s delusional reality is crashing around him yet he still illegally uses his office for personal gain and the majority that doesn’t support his ignorant ass is growing:

“President Donald Trump continued his strategy of using his office for political gain, including re-election, by delivering for the first time a speech in New York City on Veterans Day. Trump recently attended several sporting events where there were protests against him, and today was no different.

Surrounding Madison Square Park in Manhattan are several tall buildings, some of which featured signs that read “Impeach,” “Impeach and convict,” and “Dump Trump.” Outside the Manhattan park where Trump was speaking chants of “lock him up” and “impeach and remove” could be heard.

Recent reports show Trump has decided to ignore the historic separation of a president’s political campaign and his public appearances and the use of the White House. After being caught fraudulently fundraising, last week Trump announced he would host the winner of a social media contest promoting his campaign at the White House.

Bombshell Impeachment Testimony Shows Trump Let Russia Run America’s Ukraine Policy article from PoliticusUSA.

Yet more evidence that the Don is indeed a Russian puppet doing their bidding and it’s not going to bode well for him:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 268

Crazytown Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Yet another lie begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as his claims about the FBI telling the White House they didn’t want to investigate Kavanaugh’s sexual misconduct allegations are blatantly false – he doesn’t want the FBI to investigate his get out of jail free ‘Justice’ for obvious reasons, our Sociopathic 70-year-old toddler explains how wet water is as only his mentally deficient 4th grade level mind can, Benedict Donald’s obstructions of justice keep growing exponentially, learning how to recognize and deal with our Orwellian Orange Charlatan’s lies and deceptions will go a long way towards ending them, Trump backtracks on releasing information and further obstructing justice for fear of cementing impeachment once his GOP brown shirts lose control of Congress and so much more.

Trump Lied Again: The FBI Never Told Him or Anyone at the White House They Didn’t Want to Investigate Kavanaugh article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our dimwitted dip shit lied yet again to try and avoid the embarrassment of his get out of jail free ‘Justice’ being investigated for sexual misconduct for obvious reasons…

As the Trump Scandals Grow, Believe What You’re Seeing article from Slate. –

Benedict Donald keeps telling his moronic minions to disregard all the reports of his criminal actions because they’re ‘fake news,’ despite the obvious fact that they are indeed true as the bubbles in his land of delusion continue bursting.

Trump’s Lies About Russia Dossier Debunked Once Again article from Alternet. –

Our national embarrassment keeps trying to deflect and lie about his imminent implosion from his Russia scandal, but, as with everything else he does, is failing miserably.

Water, the American President Explained, Is Wet article from Esquire. –

Our Sociopathic 70-year-old toddler who speaks at a 4th grade level, is trying to make himself look less foolish after his Hurricane Maria response, but to no avail:

“Obviously, there are more pressing issues. For instance, the White House can ask the FBI to investigate Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations against Brett Kavanaugh before next week’s Senate hearing—as George H.W. Bush’s did into those made by Anita Hill in 1991—but the president has repeatedly lied, suggesting the FBI “doesn’t want to be involved.” He could just ask them to get involved. Republicans are also refusing to include Mark Judge, the other man allegedly in the room for the incident, in the hearing. The president is again attacking the attorney general for failing to serve as his personal lawyer, and said supposed corruption in the FBI is “truly a cancer on our country” as the agency investigates him and his associates.

But even with all that this Wednesday morning, we have to ask: can’t the president just occasionally stick to the script?

“This is a tough hurricane, one of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water.” He added: “It certainly is not good.”…”

Trump’s most trusted national security adviser? Himself. article from CNN News. –

The fact that our nefarious narcissist doesn’t listen to anyone else or pay attention to facts and truth speaks volumes as to how ignorant and corrupt he truly is – and why it’ll be amazing if he actually finishes his first term.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 264

Traitors Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The primary reason nobody wants him to speak at their memorial service begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* who was shunned from speaking at John McCain’s funeral because all he does is talk about himself while lying about non-existent accomplishments, our Liar and Thief’s latest trade deal with Mexico is showing to be yet another of his fraudulent scams, evidence of our dimwitted dip shit’s mental deficiencies spreading like wild fire, Hair Hitler’s list of impeachable offenses – as well as his multitude of other crimes – keeps growing, our cheeto fuhrer really wants to be a dictator – despite the obvious fact that he’s too stupid and corrupt to pull something like that off, the irony of having a treasonous president* bitching about libel laws, in 24 hours our impotent imbecile suggested curbing two constitutional freedoms and so much more.

Here’s one of the biggest reasons why nobody wants Trump to speak at their memorial service article from The Raw Story. –

Primarily because our nefarious narcissist can’t stop talking about himself and lying about his delusional accomplishments.

NY Attorney General: Trump Charity Illegally Bankrolled His Campaign article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our dimwitted dip shit won’t be able to pardon his way out of this or avoid being held accountable since it’s not a federal crime – and it could easily take him down.

Revised NAFTA Shows Every Sign of Being Another Trump Scam article from Counter Punch. –

Like the rest of his fraudulent agenda, our Liar and Thief’s latest farcical trade deal with Mexico is nothing but a scam.

Trump Sets A New Record For Declaring Things Fake article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our fake president’s war on fake news to distract from his imminent implosion is really starting to make him look more ignorant:

“Trump broke his own previous record sending out 46 tweets in August declaring various things “fake or phony.”

( link for ‘NPR’ below – https://www.npr.org/2018/09/02/643761979/president-trumps-description-of-whats-fake-is-expanding )
NPR analyzed Trump’s tweets and found, “An NPR analysis found that in the month of August, Trump sent out 46 tweets containing the words “fake” or “phony,” far surpassing his previous record. (Two of the tweets were later deleted to fix typos)….In June 2018, a month with 31 “fake” or “phony” tweets, Trump took issue with coverage of the Singapore summit with North Korea, family separation along the U.S.-Mexico border and, as usual, the Russia investigation.”

Here is the chart of Trump’s increasing declarations of fake:

Donald Trump Isn’t the Victim of a Witch-Hunt. He’s Leading It. article from The Daily Beast. –

How his lies and propaganda over his exponentially growing corruption scandals are making our national embarrassment look like the piece of shit that he is.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 263

Blotus Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with a satirical look at what the U.S. presidency has become since he was ‘elected’ by a minority, our fake president continues his war on fake news by tweeting about a fake conspiracy theory to distract from his failed presidency, how everyone in Trumpland is corrupt, his desperation to deflect from his Russia scandal is growing, still bragging – though lying – about accomplishments that don’t exist, our gift that keeps on giving screws over federal employees after passing his fraudulent tax reform scam and his popularity is tanking – to the lowest it has been since being ‘elected,’ our angry creamsicle is growing more psychotic as the bubbles burst in his land of delusion and much more.

17 Great Things About Donald Trump Dumbing Down The Presidency article from Extra Newsfeed. –

A satirical look at what the U.S. presidency has become courtesy of our dimwitted dip shit, including the fact that morons now have a famous Orange mascot…

Trump Wants To Regulate Google After He Saw Some Fake News About Rigged Search Results article from PoliticusUSA. –

After watching his Ministry of Propaganda’s faux news report over a conspiracy theory that has already been repeatedly debunked, our Twitter tyrant decided to tweet about it to distract from his imminent implosion, and now thinks he’s going to regulate it since it’s ‘rigged:’

Trump Is Reportedly Very Jealous of All the Attention John McCain Is Getting Because He’s Dead article from Splinter News. –

Our gift that keeps on giving just loves showing us – almost on a daily basis – that he has serious mental deficiencies and is totally unfit to occupy the White House.

What? Me Deplorable? article from Counter Punch. –

How stupidity and malfeasance have become the political norm under America’s most corrupt-ever president*:

“In the Age of Trump, American politics has come to resemble a drearily formulaic, militantly lowbrow, cutthroat, reality TV show. As per the formula, each day’s news all but invites us to imagine a contest in which the most deplorable wins – gets to stay on the island, as it were, or to avoid being fired.

Trump would be a strong contender in his own right, though, if he were still only a sleazy, politically connected, wheeler-dealer flimflam man with bad taste, too much money, and a penchant for riding around in golf carts, nobody would pay him any mind. There are plenty more where he came from, and most of them are more interesting than he is.

But he is the president, and therefore cannot be ignored.

Indeed, so far from being ignored, corporate media can’t find time to talk about anything else. He came out on top in the electoral circus, and there is nothing to do now but deal with the consequences…”

The President Is a White-Nationalist Mob Boss – and His Base Doesn’t Care article from The Nation. –

As Donald’s despotic delusions of grandeur continue unraveling due to his profound corruption and stupidity, the minority of minions that support him will also unravel – and why it’s time to stop giving them both a microphone to dominate the news cycles.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 259

Trump Hitler comparison from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with how the cesspool of corruption he created despite his lies of draining the swamp have hastened his imminent downfall and failed presidency, our fraudulent feckless fuhrer added one more impeachable offense to his growing list of crimes he’s already committed, the pressure from his ongoing Russia scandal is adversely affecting Comrade Cheetolini and it’s making him appear even more guilty as he keeps digging himself a deeper hole he can’t slither out of, our fake president* is losing his war on fake news and he can’t handle it, all the personal attacks on his enemies reveals our angry Orange creamsicle’s despotic delusions of grandeur on full display and Mueller is taking notice and so much more.

Swamp Thing: Donald Trump Is ‘Boss Tweet’ of the DC Ooze article from BuzzFlash. –

America’s most corrupt-ever president* lied when he promised to drain the swamp and has in fact turned it into quite the cesspool of corruption.

Thanks to their NDAs, Trump officials have no credibility. These clips prove it. article from ThinkProgress. –

Not that they ever had any credibility to begin with, and since the NDAs are illegal and non-binding, it makes our dimwitted dip shit and the miscreants he calls his administration even more illegitimate.

Rachel Maddow Just Nailed Trump For Committing Another Impeachable Offense article from PoliticusUSA. –

With all the crimes our fraudulent feckless fuhrer has already committed, there’s not much harm or shame in adding one more:

Tom Arnold insists the ‘N-word’ tape exists – and Trump and his former ‘Apprentice’ producer are terrified article from The Raw Story. –

You can rest assured that there is plenty of proof on tape the our Liar and Thief is blatantly racist, the only question is how bad it will affect him:

“Actor and comedian Tom Arnold said Wednesday that he knows with certainty that a tape exists of Donald Trump saying the N-word, as well as other horrible things.

In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Arnold said that he has known Trump for 30 years and that the president was always begging him to do “The Apprentice.”

“It is such a crappy show that I wouldn’t do it,” Arnold said. “Like, that is for real. That says a lot. Because I do everything.”

When it came to the infamous N-word tape, Arnold said that he has seen it and knows the people who have it…”

This if Fake News Trump from Pinterest

Trump Draws a Direct Connection to the Russia Investigation and His Punishment of Brennan article from PoliticusUSA. –

The beauty of having such an ignorant Twitter tyrant who doesn’t think before he tweets is that his true intentions inevitably end up being revealed when he slips up and admits to committing some of his crimes…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 257

Deal with it Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with a look at the right way to discuss impeaching his treasonous ass to end the corrupt chaos and focus on the issues that matter, support for our demented delinquent seems to be weakening – which explains his need for his volatile rallies so he can try and prop himself up and quench his Authoritarian aspirations, when your Ministry of Propaganda turns on you it’s a problem, our fake president’s war on fake news is taking Orwellian characteristics as he delves into illegally subverting the media that reports on all his crimes and corruption, how targeting legal immigrants is proof that our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s policies are all about race, not the law, our Mango Mussolini keeps lying and distracting hoping that everyone will get tired of pointing out his corruption – despite the fact that it won’t work, how our Twitter tyrant’s existential stupidity – compounded by his inability to think before he speaks or tweets – could expedite his imminent implosion, it is impossible for Trump and his moronic legal team to defend his indefensible criminal acts, Trump’s farcical space force is about to take off and so much more.

The Right Way to Talk About Impeaching Donald Trump article from The Nation. –

A look at the right way to discuss impeaching Trump’s treasonous ass and putting an end to the corrupt chaos while focusing on the issues that matter – which includes reversing much of the damage his ignorant ass has already caused.

Trump’s Support Is Much Weaker Than It Seems, New Study Shows article from PoliticusUSA. –

Support for our demented delinquent was probably never as strong as it seemed which is why he has to have his rallies since that’s the only place where it’s obvious.

American Democracy Flawed If One Shitty President Can Reverse 242-Year Run, Experts Say article from Extra Newsfeed. –

When a profoundly corrupt, moronic Orwellian Orange Charlatan can do the damage he’s done because his GOP Gestapo refuses to hold him accountable, Americans have a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

Donald Trump digs himself into deeper trouble – and his voters are finally noticing article from Salon. –

Our feckless fuhrer just can’t seem to stop digging his own grave because of his profound corruption and stupidity – and his moronic mini me’s are beginning to notice:

“This past weekend, President Donald Trump tweeted a confession to the world that his top campaign operatives, Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner. had knowingly met with emissaries of the Russian government to receive information on his opponent, which he characterized as perfectly legal and routine, while also insisting that he knew nothing about it. In a previous era, this would have been a shocking development that would likely lead to impeachment. Regardless of the legality (and plenty of experts say it was indeed illegal) it was certainly unethical and unpatriotic.

There have been other cases in which campaigns were given stolen information. They went to the authorities with the information. They didn’t respond “I love it,” and then gather the campaign’s top guns to hear the pitch. (The one exception that we know of is that paragon of virtue Richard Nixon, of course, and the “Chenault Affair.”)

Trump is obviously very agitated. That tweet and dozens more, along with his increasingly unhinged rally appearances over the past few weeks, show a man under pressure who is not handling it well. That chaos is starting to catch up with him in a way he doesn’t seem to expect or understand.

Annie Karni of Politico reported this week that the president and his advisers now believe that his famous campaign statement that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue is pretty much true:…”

Trump’s new plan targeting legal immigrants is proof that the immigration debate is about race, not law article from NBC News. –

If you look at our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s despotic delusions of grandeur and terrorism against immigrants, it has been obvious from day one that it was all about race and not the law…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 255

Trump’s absolute delusion from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* by learning how to deal with his war on truth since it plays no role in his alternate reality, our Twitter tyrant’s melt downs are coming fast and furious as his ongoing criminal investigations continue swallowing him whole – adding more fuel to the fire making himself look guilty as hell, our impotent imbecile is finding it more difficult defending his indefensible treachery as his moronic lawyer continues putting more nails in his proverbial coffin, every day our cancerous Orange parasite offers more evidence of his guilt via tweet while offering more proof that he is mentally unfit to occupy the White House, our Marmalade Miscreant’s imminent demise is taking its toll on him as more evidence of his guilt continues coming forth and there isn’t a damn thing he can do about it, our lackluster lame duck president’s* first fraudulent tax reform scam wasn’t enough so he has to screw Americans over even more for personal profit, listening to the moronic shadow cabinet that runs his freak show isn’t working out well for our demented delusionist and so much more.

Dealing With President Trump’s War On Truth article from Forbes. –

How to deal with the never-ending lies that spew forth from our feckless fuhrer’s mouth – fact and truth play no role whatsoever in his alternate reality and that’s starting to cause some serious problems for him.

Donald Trump Says You Need A Picture ID To Buy Groceries In America article from The Huffington Post. –

While spewing more lies and bull shit at his Tampa rally, on his quest to force voters to get ID’s to vote so millions of minorities are disenfranchised, our Ignoramus-in-Chief concocted new lies, this time about needing ID to buy groceries.

Collusion Is Worse Than a Crime article from The Atlantic. –

Our dimwitted dip shit has proved himself to be a threat to America’s National Security with all the crimes against the U.S. he has committed, including collusion – which in many forms is criminal.

Flynn, Comey, and Mueller: What Trump Knew and When He Knew It article from The New York Review of Books. –

Mueller apparently already has a lot of evidence that implicates America’s most corrupt-ever president* in Obstruction of Justice and much more:

“Previously undisclosed evidence in the possession of Special Counsel Robert Mueller—including highly confidential White House records and testimony by some of President Trump’s own top aides—provides some of the strongest evidence to date implicating the president of the United States in an obstruction of justice. Several people who have reviewed a portion of this evidence say that, based on what they know, they believe it is now all but inevitable that the special counsel will complete a confidential report presenting evidence that President Trump violated the law. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel’s work, would then decide on turning over that report to Congress for the House of Representatives to consider whether to instigate impeachment proceedings.

The central incident in the case that the president obstructed justice was provided by former FBI Director James B. Comey, who testified that Trump pressed Comey, in a private Oval Office meeting on February 14, 2017, to shut down an FBI criminal investigation of Trump’s former national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Comey has testified the president told him.

In an effort to convince Mueller that President Trump did not obstruct justice, the president’s attorneys have argued that the president could not have broken the law because the president did not know that Flynn was under criminal investigation when he pressured Comey to go easy on Flynn. In a confidential January 29 letter to the special counsel first reported by The New York Times, two of the president’s attorneys, John Dowd (who no longer represents Trump) and Jay Sekulow, maintained that the president did not obstruct justice because, even though Flynn had been questioned by the FBI, Trump believed that the FBI investigation was over, and that Flynn had been told that he’d been cleared.

On its face, this is a counter-intuitive argument—for if Trump believed that Flynn had been cleared and was no longer under investigation, there would have been no reason for the president to lean on Comey to end the FBI’s investigation—telling Comey that Trump hoped that Comey would be able to “see your way clear to letting this go.” Yet Trump’s attorneys have pursued this line of argument with the special counsel because perjury and obstruction cases depend largely on whether a prosecutor can demonstrate the intent and motivation of the person they want to charge. It’s not enough to prove that the person under investigation attempted to impede an ongoing criminal investigation; the statute requires a prosecutor to prove that the person did so with the corrupt intent to protect either himself or someone else from prosecution…”

Make America Dumb Again: Here Are the 8 Most Ridiculous Things Republicans Believe Now That Trump is President article from Alternet. –

The fact that Trump’s GOP Gestapo is covering up, aiding and abetting and protecting him doesn’t bode well for them and they are going to have a lot of explaining to do since they’re just as stupid and guilty as he is.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 228

Tired of winning yet from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The endless probes into Trump’s growing cesspool of corruption begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president*, digging in to face the growing list of criminal charges from his lackluster lame duck presidency, the many ways our Liar in Thief is purposely trying to destroy the Federal government, why Trump has the leakiest White House ever, our demented delusionist actually believes he’ll be able to put an end to the Mueller investigations, Trump’s felonious rap sheet continues growing exponentially, the new adventures of dumb and dumber are proving quite entertaining, the mystery of the missing millions in donations to Trump’s inauguration campaign that just disappeared plus a lot more.

The Trump labyrinth article from The Week. –

On the growing probes into America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* endless cesspool of criminal activities that keep spurring more investigations into his profoundly corrupt, failed presidency.

Team Trump Plans to Go on ‘War Footing’ to Fend Off Impeachment: It Could Backfire Big Time article from Truthout. –

If Trump’s past legal defense is any indication, his ignorance will end up backfiring big time.

Trump Is Destroying Himself By Demanding That The White House Never Apologize article from PoliticusUSA. –

Actually our dimwitted dip shit’s actions – compounded by profound stupidity – have been destroying him for decades, now it’s just catching up to him.

UNPRESIDENTED – A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 68th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

A look at the latest week of our nefarious narcissist’s incompetent corruption filled week in office:

“Willing to turn on its allies at a moment’s notice.

Making consequential foreign policy decisions based on a foundation of lies.

Eager to decimate a decade’s worth of diplomacy to fulfill a campaign promise.

Its leader consumed in counterintelligence, corruption, and ethics investigations and is hell-bent on obstructing those investigations…”

Conservative Columnist Truth Bombs Trump, ‘Soulless People Working for Soulless President’ article from PoliticusUSA. –

Why our Lord of the Lies is more upset about the truth of his aide insulting John McCain being leaked rather than what was said:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 218

Trump Public Service Reminder from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* begin with his hometown newspaper publishing a picture with the caption ‘Pee Brain’ as his melt down over former FBI Director James Comey’s book begins, a large majority of Americans aren’t buying our dimwitted dip shit’s lies about Mueller and want him to be allowed to finish his ongoing investigations, once again our dysfunctional dumb ass decided to commit more war crimes by bombing Syria in retaliation of unsubstantiated accusations of gas attacks with no evidence whatsoever, war crimes and pardons are the reflection of a felonious fake president trying to distract from his impending implosion, the multitude of lies being used to justify committing more war crimes, trying to act presidential while committing more war crimes will not work in saving Trump plus a lot more.

Donald Trump’s Hometown Newspaper Just Burned Him With A Savage Nickname article from The Huffington Post. –

His home town newspaper gives our malignant minority-elect president* a new nickname – Pee Brain.

Majorities back investigations of Trump from Russia to alleged hush money (POLL) article from Good Morning America on Yahoo! News. –

By more than 2 to 1 margins Americans want to get to the truth about Trump’s criminal endeavors, which speaks volumes about how ‘popular’ Trump is.

The Most Important News out of Jim Comey’s Explosive New Book article from Mother Jones. –

There are a lot more revelations about our dimwitted dip shit than golden showers and little hands…

American mainstream rejects Trump’s condemnation of Mueller probe article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

More on how the majority of Americans aren’t buying Trump’s demonization of Mueller over his Russia scandal and criminal investigations and actually believes he needs to be allowed to complete them:

“At a certain level, public-opinion polls on federal criminal investigations seem unimportant. After all, law-enforcement officials are not politicians, and while they serve the public’s interests, they also have a job to do that has little to do with popular will.

That said, I tend to keep an eye on polling related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, not because public attitudes should shape the direction of the investigation, but because I’m interested in whether the Republican campaign to undermine public confidence in the probe is working.

Donald Trump, for example, has characterized the investigation itself as “illegal” and “corrupt.” His allies in Congress and conservative media have mounted a spirited campaign against Mueller, the FBI, and the Justice Department, which collectively have become a bete noire for the right.

The American mainstream isn’t buying it…”

Trump ‘pee tape’ alibi contradicted by testimony of his personal bodyguard article from Think Progress. –

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