Tag Archives: Trump’s Syrian Gas Attack False Flag

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 169

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with more of his delusions as he tries to salvage what little is left of his failing presidency, the many lessons we’ve learned about Trump after the start of his failed presidency, using another crisis to try and make it all about himself, being a lackluster lame duck president hasn’t stopped Trump from inflicting serious damage while everyone was distracted by his idiocy and other malfeasance, more on Trump’s Syrian war crimes after his failed Syrian gas attack false flag, still pretending his tax reform scam is legit and not another scam to screw the country over, growing dissatisfaction from Trump’s dwindling base, our fake president is losing his war on fake news and a lot more.

Trump Might Be About to Launch His Dumbest Gambit Yet to Save His Presidency article from Alternet. –

Despite a temporary surge in popularity, our national embarrassment is not presidential nor will he ever be regardless of who he works with in the U.S. Congress.

6 Months of Trump, 6 Lessons Learned article from Populist.com. –

In addition to his diminishing mental capacity, a few of the things we’ve learned include the fact that Trump lies all time, he only cares about himself and he’s incapable of leading a country…

How Trump Is Destroying America article from The Atlantic. –

America’s worst-ever president’s delusional belief that he is above the law and accountable to no one is going to sink his failing presidency.


Where they will try and support our Liar-in-Chief’s claims that he won the popular vote and make it easier for the GOP to win elections by suppressing everyone else:

“Last week, much of official Washington rejoiced after President Trump made a deal with senior congressional Democrats to forestall a government shutdown, provide aid to hurricane victims, and raise the debt ceiling until December. The deal, some observers claimed, marked Trump’s long-awaited pivot to conventional Presidential leadership and a bipartisan style of governing. Some praised this maneuver as statesmanlike, while others denounced it as a betrayal of the President’s fellow-Republicans, but there was something close to consensus that Trump had jettisoned the hard-right politics expressed at the beginning of his term in office and begun a new and different chapter.

This is, to put it charitably, nonsense. Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer, the top Democrats in Congress, understandably accepted a modest political gift from the President; Trump, by agreeing to just a three-month extension of the deadlines, gave the opposition party somewhat more leverage when the next negotiation takes place, before the end of the year. But, notwithstanding the developments of last week, which mostly amount to inside baseball, the course of the Trump Presidency is set, and conservatives are still very much in charge.

A vivid example of the right-wing hegemony in the Trump Administration will be on display today, when the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity convenes for the second time. It is difficult to imagine a more cynical enterprise than this commission, which Trump appointed after he claimed (falsely) that the casting of illegal votes last November accounted for his loss of the popular vote, which Hillary Clinton won by a margin of nearly three million. Trump named Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state, who has been the nation’s leading advocate for restrictions on voting rights, as the vice-chair of the commission. (Vice-President Mike Pence is the chair.) Kobach will preside at today’s meeting, which will convene in Manchester, New Hampshire. (To further confuse matters, the meeting will be hosted by New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state, Bill Gardner, a Democrat who also sits on the commission but who has, in the past, been skeptical of voter-fraud charges.) The choice of this location is characteristic of the incompetence and malevolence that is at the heart of the vote-suppression agenda.

Hillary Clinton and Senator Maggie Hassan—who defeated the Republican incumbent, Kelly Ayotte—both won narrow victories in New Hampshire, in 2016. Kobach has claimed that those results are suspect because out-of-state voters may have cast ballots for the Democrats. Last Wednesday, the speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, Shawn Jasper, a Republican, released data showing that six thousand five hundred and forty people had registered to vote using out-of-state driver’s licenses. Using such licenses for voter registration is legal in the state, but it was pointed out that only a thousand and fourteen of these people later obtained a New Hampshire license. This, Kobach suggested in a column that he wrote last week for Breitbart, means that most of those voters never lived in New Hampshire at all…”

Trump exploits 9/11 anniversary to promote himself, just like he did 16 years ago article from The Daily Kos. –

America’s worst-ever president loves manipulating crises to make it all about himself and 9/11 was no exception.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 134

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The cognitive deficits of our popular vote losing President start the day off with his idiocy yet again on full display as his moronic Twitter tirades continue, meet the team of miscreants representing our Loser-in-Chief’s legal woes, how Trump’s profound ignorance is going to cost him, more on Trump’s latest addition to his Ministry of Propaganda, Trump’s growing Russia scandal is implicating more of his administration – making it appear that he and his entire administration are illegitimate, questioning why the media won’t cover Trump’s Syrian War Crimes and much more.

Trump Twitter Wars Continue: New Attack on MSNBC for Firing Greta Van Susteren article from Yahoo! News. –

The diminishing mental capacity of our dimwitted dip shit again on full display as his moronic Twitter tirades continue.

President Trump slams CNN as ‘garbage journalism’ article from AOL News. –

Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s Twitter tantrums continued with his duplicitous war on the truth.

‘Dumb as a rock Mika’: Donald Trump back on attack against Morning Joe hosts article from The Guardian. –

Yes, another Twitter tantrum from our impotent man-boy occupying the White House…he’s been busy showing everyone why he’s our illegitimate, minority-elect President.

Meet Trump’s legal team article from The Week. –

Meet the scrappy shysters representing our Loser-in-Chief:

“The president has assembled an unusual group of scrappy lawyers to defend him in the Russia investigation. Here’s everything you need to know:

Who is heading the team?
Marc E. Kasowitz, the president’s longtime personal lawyer and his go-to guy for legal battles over the past 15 years. When special counsel Robert Mueller put the Russia investigation into high gear, Trump initially tried to hire at least four of the nation’s most prestigious law firms, with high-profile attorneys including former Solicitor General Ted Olson. But they all refused, according to a Yahoo News report, with the lawyers citing the difficulty of representing the mercurial Trump, who has a history of not paying bills. As one lawyer put it, “The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen.” So Trump has turned to his old buddy to defend him from the most dangerous legal challenge of his life. Kasowitz, 64, makes for a “peculiar choice” to handle a major investigation and possible impeachment, a lawyer who is familiar with Kasowitz’s work told The Washington Post. “He is not a white-collar lawyer. He is a bulldog civil litigator. You want someone who [Mueller] is going to respect. You don’t go in there with your hair on fire.”

What is Kasowitz’s background?
The founding partner of Kasowitz Benson Torres, Kasowitz specializes in complex financial litigation — which is how he first met Trump. In 2001, the real estate mogul retained the $1,500-an-hour lawyer to represent him in an Atlantic City casino bankruptcy case. Kasowitz has since gone to court to protect Trump’s sealed divorce records from being opened; unsuccessfully defended Trump University from a fraud lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman; and represented him amid allegations of sexual assault. “Trump has always favored scrappy lawyers and street fighters,” says Trump biographer Timothy O’Brien, who has personally faced off against Kasowitz. “Kasowitz fits that profile.”

How does Kasowitz operate?
Described as one of the toughest lawyers in Manhattan, Kasowitz goes on the attack against his clients’ accusers. When Bill O’Reilly, another of his clients, was accused of sexual harassment by several Fox News colleagues, Kasowitz claimed that the TV host had “been subjected to a brutal campaign of character assassination…unprecedented in post-McCarthyist America.” And when Trump sued writer O’Brien for challenging the real estate mogul’s claim to be a billionaire in his 2005 biography, Kasowitz appeared at one of O’Brien’s book readings — filming the event while using audience “plants” to goad the author into making damaging statements, says O’Brien. “It’s just a trench fight with them,” says Roddy Boyd, another reporter who has battled with Kasowitz. “It’s brutal stuff.”

Who else is on the team?
Former prosecutor John Dowd, a veteran white-collar lawyer known for his work on the Keating Five scandal, will bring some Washington expertise to the team. But on TV at least, the public face of Trump’s Russia defense squad now appears to be Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for evangelical Christian groups and a conservative talk show regular. Sekulow serves as chief counsel for the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), a Christian-based nonprofit founded by televangelist Pat Robertson, and has argued 12 religious liberty cases before the Supreme Court. Sekulow, 61, was born to a Reform Jewish family in Brooklyn, and only became a Messianic Jew — or a “Jew for Jesus” — after attending Atlanta Baptist College. He has also defended organizations like the militant anti-abortion Operation Rescue…”

White House threats to Joe Scarborough may have violated three criminal laws article from Think Progress. –

Threatening blackmail – especially as president – is indefensible and always a crime.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 133

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing president begin today with Trump telling Senate Republicans to kill Obamacare now and replace it later – regardless of the damage that would be done, the dangers of Trump’s delusional presidency, our Blackmailer-in-Chief allegedly threatens Morning Joe hosts with slanderous story in National Enquirer if they don’t apologize, prepare to fight for your right to vote as our Con Artist-in-Chief’s fraudulent voter integrity commission prepares to destroy it, how Trump’s grudges are his agenda, mounting evidence of collusion with Russia ends another bad week for our dimwitted dip shit, it appears propaganda staged on TV encouraged our wannabe dictator to carry out his Syrian gas attack false flag in April and more.

Trump to Senate Republicans: Kill Obamacare now, replace later article from AOL News. –

Trump is so hellbent on repealing all of President Obama’s accomplishments that he’s willing to kill more than 23 million Americans and take away their health care.


Trump is violating the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution – and knowing him, a few laws – holding fundraiser’s at his hotel on our dime.

Bill to create panel that could remove Trump from office quietly picks up Democratic support article from Yahoo! News. –

The only bad thing about that is the incorrigible whack job that would take his place…

How Much Longer Before Nobody Buys Into Trump’s PR Scam? article from AlterNet. –

On reality TV Trump created a masterful – albeit somewhat delusional – persona that was never real and now it’s extremely dangerous:

“Last year on the campaign trail, Donald Trump made a lot of promises, almost always adding that he planned to fulfill them “quickly.” He would say, “We will defeat ISIS and we will do it very, very quickly,” or “We’re disrespected right now all over the world. But that will change very, very quickly.” (He was right about that one. It changed very quickly, but not for the better.)

Just before the election in November he said this:

I will ask Congress to convene a special session so we can repeal and replace and it will be such an honor for me, for you and for everybody in this country, because Obamacare has to be replaced. And we will do it and we will do it very, very quickly.

No one understood why Trump would need to convene a special session of Congress but it sounded very forceful and “strong” (another word he uses constantly). He got so grandiose in his promises to act quickly that at one point he pledged to get nearly his entire agenda done on the very first day…”

Anderson Cooper Uses Trump’s Own Words To Show How ‘Weak’ The President Is article from The Huffington Post. –

Like most psychopaths, Trump is a pussy who can’t handle the truth, let alone run the country…

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